Friday, July 25, 2008

Pit of Defense or Offense

Recently, a man was dropping his wife off at church and as she was struggling to get out the car another woman came to help her and made some remarks towards him not helping his wife out of the car. The wife exits the car and the lady apologized to her for badgering her husband.

Once the wife and husband met back up again, the husband was furious. He said what he heard from her remarks were, “he was a sorry excuse for a husband.” He went on to say that if someone makes a remark towards how he treats his wife it really gets to him.

My observation took me to this scripture, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her," (Ephes. 5:25). I imagine when the husband got offended it was because maybe he was supposed to be offended. Christ teaches husbands to love their wives.

Remember when you were growing up and you got offended if someone said something about your mother. It was a natural response because you love your mother. How do you feel when someone makes remarks towards your spouse? Are you passive? Or are you in a defense position or offense position? If your position is defensive that is a natural response. On the other hand, if your position is offensive, as a pastor once said to me, “if you get upset with what I am saying, perhaps it is because you are in that pit I am speaking to.”

What pit are you in? If you are in defense mode, praise God for you love your wife as instructed. Ask God to continue to keep you on track with being the lover He would have you be to your wife. If you are in offense mode, cry out to God to help you. Ask God to make you more aware of how to be the loving husband He has instructed you to be. For God gave such instructions to be followed for the unity in marriage not division.