Monday, December 21, 2009
Healing for the Broken
As we got out the car she said to me with her big starry eyes, “I am happy to have you for Christmas mom.” I am happy to have you, as I urged her to get out the car. A few days later she told me about one of her classmates. She said, “mom I have a friend at school and she came to class crying because her parents got a divorced.” My heart dropped imagining the pain her friend felt. As I began to speak, “I know how she feels,” my daughter interrupted saying yes, I know and I told her that you used to make believe your family sitting around the fire place after your parents got a divorced. She told me her friend was so sad walking away with her head dropped to the floor.
As I ponder my mind is captured by God’s mercy. Luke 1:78-79 says, “With the loving mercy of our God, a new day from heaven will dawn upon us. It will shine on those who live in darkness, in the shadow of death. It will guide us into the path of peace."
This scripture is saying God has a desire to help and will help the miserable and afflicted. It continues to say a new day from heaven will dawn upon us; the rising of the sun (Christ) will look after the afflicted; shining light to those who dwell in misery. Through Christ reflecting light we will be able to see our journey to peace. We will then be lead to a path way of safety and prosperity.
Christmas is a time to share the love of Christ but what do we do if we feel the love of our life has left? Perhaps you feel all alone, as if you are in the dark. Are you in misery from a divorce, a death in your family, loss of a house or loss of a job? Is your spirit low? When we find our self consumed by pain, the throbbing circumstance in our life, our heavenly Father desires to help us by His grace. Only peace from God can restore the shattered spirit we have and make things secure and prosperous.
Consider not imagining love and share the love of Christ to others? Pray to God to help you revise a list to give His Spirit of love to others. Ask God to help narrow your thoughts to the sacrifice of Christ. Call upon the Lord to give you strength and remind you how nothing or no one is bigger than our Lord. God desires to heal our brokenness for “He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds,” Psalm 147:3.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Remember Your First Love
I would look around at my peers wondering, “Do they feel what I feel?” I would say, “I am cold” and they would laugh saying, “it is hot.” The day came that the choir director would appoint me to sing a solo and again thinking to myself “no one wants to hear me.”
I sang Till We Meet Again and a rush of chills consumed my body at the age of 17, still not knowing His presence. I thought, I can’t do this, I can’t even control myself. I went to college singing, still not knowing His presence. As an adult after many years of being removed from singing, I attempted to join the choir and tears flowed as a river. I knew His presence and I welcomed it but still couldn’t control my emotions.
Reminiscing on my first love reminded me of Jesus telling the church, “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love,” Revelations 2:4.
A church, like people can love something more than Christ. The church can love the building more than it loves Jesus; its history and traditions more than it loves Jesus; its worship songs more than it loves Jesus; its programs and missions more than it loves Jesus; the fellowship or love of the lost more than it loves Jesus.
Consider why the church was created. Paul writes in Ephesians 1:13-14: “In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.”
Consider why humans were created. Isaiah 43:6-7 says “Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth, everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made."
So the purpose for all God’s creation is for the fulfilling of His glory, is it not? Jesus tells the church rendering your first love will channel your focus on results rather than the Messiah. Focusing on the program and not the Precious Lamb will put us in danger.
But focusing on Christ, our first love takes care of how great the program does, how effective the mission will be. When we are engulfed with our first love, we can’t help but talk on and on about our love. Worshiping fuels the mission. You can’t brag on and praise God if you neglect the first love of Christ.
When I worship the Father I am reflecting on the glory of God, valuing Christ above all things. My first love with Christ was through music. He touched me like no other before and continues to use music to minister to my heart, to touch me, feel me, move mountains, cast out fear by me opening my mouth blessing and praising His name.
My first love helped me in my lowest point, when I didn’t have anyone to understand me, when I didn’t have anyone else to talk to, when I thought I lost my mind, on my face in a pool of tears, the redeemer, the restorer, the reviver came in my heart rescued me when I had no one else feeling lost and empty. I would sing out Jesus, Jesus and he gave me sanity, He kept me safe and continues to revive me.
What is your first love? When did you first hear His voice, feel His presence, tremble at His touch? Maybe you have gone astray? Became faint in your worship? Possibly you focused on the things you have, focus on the places you go or don’t get to go. Perhaps you became consumed with being in a church that has everything you want except the presence of God?
Remember what worship is, acting and thinking in a way that reflects the glory of God. When we let go of our first love it says in Revelations 2:5 that the lampstand will be removed. There will no longer be light shining, just acting without glorifying God.
What are you promoting? What are your eyes fixed on this morning, this day, these weeks and month to come? Are you sharing the love of God with others or sharing your problems? Are you showing how deep God’s love is or how deep in debt you are? Have you lost your first love? Have you stop going to the church that helps you grow in your faith?
Consider not abandoning your first love. Ask God to forgive you for letting Him go. Call upon God to forgive you for satisfying temptations and not satisfying Him. Pray to God to keep you strong in your faith, to keep you active in going to church, going to Bible study, going to be taught the Word. For “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God,” Revelation 2:7.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Just Like My Daddy
In Matthew it states, “Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect,” 5:48.
Naturally, many strive for perfection;however, it is in God we are made perfect. The previous verses 43-47 are advising us to love our enemies and bless those that curse us. Human relationship is connected to perfection. How we treat others unveils our perfection as our heavenly Father.
Have you ever wondered, if your life would be better if he or she was not in it? Maybe you have thought, "My life would be perfect if..." Did you ever wish you had a different boss, child, parent or maybe spouse? What if God thought such way of us? I am so happy God did not opt to not have you and me in His life for He would not continuously work on us. Yet it is through our relationship with the people He allows in our life that we are able to get through and be perfected in Christ. As we grow in our relationship with the Father we begin to look more and more just like our heavenly daddy.
Consider you as a walking light of God displaying peace and love to others. Pray to God to show Christ to others through you. Allow the Lord to let others come to know Christ by the love you display and not hate. For God perfects us through relationships, so we can be perfect just like our Father.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Healing for the Paralyzed in All of us
This time last year I was only contemplating publishing a book so I could finally mark off, "I published a book." However, God had other plans. After publishing my first book this ministry became public.
I remember visiting with the Father saying, "How am I supposed to do what you ask of me, and who am I to do what you ask of me?"
The Lord brought to my memory "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion," (Ecclesiastes, 4:9-10).
As preparation began, he sent a group to move forward. A father who felt like a fatherless child has helped the ministry through encouragement and providing services of the Web site and financial donations. A couple with eight children who struggled seeking their destiny, willing supported the ministry with their family helping for all events. A stay-at-home mom who was in a shell about singing opened herself not only to sing once but to be the minister of music for the organization as well as help with clerical duties. A mother who had suffered for five years with heme-facial spasms, after a severe car accident opened her home once the ministry did not have a location to hold its workshop sessions.
A mother who almost died in a car accident dedicated her time in collecting clothing donations on behalf of Healing of a Broken Heart Ministry. A father and veteran of the military recently suffered from a stroke and has continued to be an advocate, with the blessing of being on TV and radio programs.
All these people have helped not only by acts of service presenting themselves as a living sacrifice but also investing their time in planning and finances; they promote the ministry, ask others to donate and are always full of cheer.
This has been a blessing like no other. It has ministered to others and it has ministered to a paralyzed woman - me. Jesus did the same for a man thousands of years ago.
In Luke, we note Jesus was teaching and his power to heal was present. "Some men came carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven,'" (Luke 5:18-20).
Those standing by questioned Jesus' authority. Later in the text we see "He said to the paralyzed man, ‘I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.' Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, "We have seen remarkable things today," (vs. 24-26).
This year the Lord has used my husband and children along with the help of the father who felt like a fatherless child, the couple with eight children seeking their destiny, the mom who was in a shell, the mother who had suffered for five years of spasms, another mother who almost died in a car accident and, finally, a father who suffered a stroke.
I was not paralyzed as the man in the Bible, though mentally I was paralyzed from thinking, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13).
Today, I am most thankful for being delivered from sitting on my mat. I am grateful for God sending people to help work together to fulfill his mission. It has been a blessing and a reward to do what he ordained this year with the help he sent.
As you reflect on your life today, search what God has done for you. What areas have you been paralyzed in your life? Have you told yourself you can't do this or that? What is he telling you to do?
Consider paying attention to what you can do with what the Lord has provided you. Pray to God to lift you to do his will. "For woe to him who is alone, when he falls, for he has no one to help him," (Ecclesiastes 4:10).
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
God's Prevailing Love
During those years it was a tremendously difficult time for me and my mother. Then one day as young adult I heard her read a poem. It was as if I had met her for the first time. She stood in the crowd so confident; I had never seen that side of her.
When the crowd was gone I went to my mother and told her, “I love you”. But it was as if I told her for the first time. I will never forget that day, for I realized that we had so much in common and our river of love flowed again.
As I contemplate my past, my mind is captured by writings of the Apostle John. He wrote, “No one has seen God at anytime. If we love one another, God abides in us and His love has been perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in Him and He in us, because He has given us His Spirit” 1 John 4:12-13.
The Scripture is saying while we have not physically seen God with our eyes, we see Him spiritually through the expression of sincere, godly love. We are able to love one another because His love has been placed in us, once we confess the Savior. We are able to testify that we live in Him and He is us because His Spirit dwells within us. As His Spirit dwells within us, His love supersedes all else, casting away the negative. Through it we are able to lay aside every harmful, malicious and irresponsible thing anyone has said or done. It is by the power of God’s love that we are able to love as He loves.
Maybe you have been hurt by someone you love yet can’t seem to understand their actions. Possibly someone has been so malicious towards you that you can’t see beyond their actions or even your own. Could it be you have not been perfected in love? Could it be that you have confessed the name of Jesus but no one can tell He abides within you?
Later in the passage, John says, “There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love” 1 John 4:18. When we walk around in agony over what another has done or did not do, are we displaying the Spirit of God’s powerful love or the fear of love? If we are hurt by something from the past and have a fence guarding us against loving another, or being loved, we are being tormented. Our fruit shows any imperfections in our love. Yet when we love even when it is difficult, we allow the Spirit to take over and consume us.
Consider allowing the Spirit of God’s love to override your fear of love. Ask Jesus to come into your heart so you may truly love and accept love. Pray and ask God to forgive you for any hatred that may dwell in your heart. Then call upon the Lord to cast out fear so you may love as He wills.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Suffering for His Sake
This movie reminds me of the journey that we as Christians have in life. There are certain aspects of life that everyone must face – temptation, affliction, discouragement. The Apostle Paul wrote “For thy sake we are killed all the daylong; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter,” (Romans 8:36).
This Scripture is saying that God’s faithful people will continually face trials for His sake as the enemy daily and unceasingly seeks our destruction. It is during these hard times that we must look above our troubles and to God; believing that though the enemy is allowed to test us, he has no real power over us. Power belongs to God.
What temptation are you experiencing right now? Are you being afflicted? Do you feel discouraged? Perhaps you are suffering or possibly you know someone who is going through right now.
The father and son mentioned previously, experienced much hardship. Living in a hotel, sleeping in a train’s station restroom and when they could, a shelter. This father knew that there was more to life and he was determined to suffer in whatever way necessary – even while caring for his son—in order to get to happiness. Do you have that same type of determination for the cause of Christ?
Consider finding comfort in the midst of your situation while meditating on the Word of God, and seek to be content. Call upon our heavenly Father to restrain you from seeking relief by any sinful manner. Let Him mold you into the person He has already equipped you to be. Ask the Lord to give you strength and help you face each day. Pray to God that you will not beat yourself up during your time of destitution. Remember “If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you,” 1( Peter 4:14).
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Generosity out of Poverty
Moments later she sent in a donation, saying it was only but a ‘small donation.’ Interestingly, I noticed so many others commenting saying they can only give a ‘small donation.’ Such phrases reminded of the Bible passage that speaks of a widow’s two mites.
Luke wrote: And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all. For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had. (Luke 21:1 – 4)
This Scripture is saying that when the poor widow let go of the thin, small brass coin, worth about a 1/5 of a cent; she did not have any attachments to it. She willingly gave from her heart. From her offering, we can learn that what we give to assist the poor, in the support of God’s worship, is actually given to God. God knows our heart and delights with whatever offering we give to help the Body of the Church and to bring relief to the poor.
Luke continues to say “she of her penury cast in all the living that she had.” That is, in her deficiency she gave all that she had to live off of– and it was the very thing that she was lacking.
What state of mind would we find ourselves in, if we were impoverished? Some might be saying “I am in poverty right now.” Would we have a heart to give with no strings attached? Could we say, I might not have enough for my rent this month, but I still have a roof over my head, the Lord is worthy? Would you give property, if you were lacking? Would you give resources, if you were lacking? How would you give out of poverty?
The Lord rejoices knowing we give the small we have, simultaneously giving our soul to Christ. He knows what we have because He is the reason we have anything at all. Our giving displays our attachment to possessions, to God. It shows our reliance towards our heavenly Father.
Many are struggling; some who never knew they would are facing poverty right now. The enemy wants us to believe because we lack we can’t give. It is only a trick. Some have nothing physically to give but can still lift up prayers. Some can’t give financially but know others that can pitch in financially. Some can’t buy clothes but can still share the clothes they have. Some can’t buy food but can cook a meal to share. We all have something that is satisfactory to give. When our heart connects with the Father and we seek Him about our giving, He reveals what we can give, even out of poverty.
Consider giving from your heart, knowing that our small delights Christ. Don’t think your small is not enough, for it pleases God that we give, even out of our deficiency. As the world goes through, walk with faith that you are coming through. Call upon the Lord to help, you see that the small you have is sufficient. Pray to God to help you to not cling to the things of this world but to help bring relief to the poor. Ask God to bless you so you may be a blessing to someone else. Pray to the Father to help you understand “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Don’t Cast Your Confidence
As I ponder the state of the economy my mind is captured by the writings of the Apostle Paul he said, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” (Romans 8:35).
Paul was saying what can try to divorce us from the love of Christ? Can anything tear us apart from the affection of Christ? Do you think pressure, the stress of the downfall of the economy, the limited places of employment, being treated unfairly, being discriminated against, being without something to eat, having no clothes, going bankrupt, experiencing threat, even death it cannot separate you but bring you closer to the love of Christ.
Can losing your job or house shred the love of Chris from you, the loss of a loved one is not going to take away the affection Christ has for you. No matter how small or how big your situation may be it will not rip away the love that Christ has for you because the Lord will love you the same today and tomorrow.
Maybe you know someone wondering where their next meal is coming from. Possibly you feel low about yourself because you don’t have all the answers. Perhaps you are pondering where you will live by the end of this month or week. Are you staying close to the Lord? Can you stand and say Lord despite all I have and don’t have you’ve been good. Will you stand and say if you don’t do anything else, Lord, you’ve been good.
Can you see, the hardships of the world today, are a strategy to deplete our confidence. If you are low on food go on a fast, if you no longer have a car walk, jog or use the time to exercise to get to your destinations. If you’re staying from house to house, hotel to hotel, shelter to shelter consider you are on vacation. Do not be consumed with your situation that it takes your focus off the Lord and you neglect to reflect on the love that Christ has for you.
Consider not allowing your confidence to be cast below the depths of the sea. Pray to God to restore your joy, shake up your peace. Call upon the Lord to remind you that all He has done is good and pray that He helps you compose yourself in a manner of appreciation. “For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life,” John 3:16.
Written 10/16/09
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I Can Make It
My mind is captured by the writer Mark. He wrote “Then one of the synagogue rulers, named Jarius, came there. Seeing Jesus, he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, "My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.” So Jesus went with him,” Mark 5:22-23.
Jesus just got off the boat and a multitude of people were awaiting His arrival, including the synagogue ruler. Jarius was a very prominent man in the community. The mentioning of his name would raise eye brows. But he did not let his status cripple him from showing reverence, once he saw Jesus. He did not let his pride take over him, he went to Jesus sincerely, pleading his situation. He asked Jesus to add His power to his daughter by laying His hand upon her so she may be restored and Jesus went with him.
I vividly see Jarius. Day after day serving the Lord. Seeking the right representatives, teaching teachers all to share the law of the Word to others. I can see Jarius so busy, how so many would flock to him for answers yet in his time of distress he knew just where to go. As his daughter laid to the point of death, he went to Jesus.
What do you have in your life and it seems like it is at the point of death? Are you feelingconsumed with responsibilities? Have you felt that everything has been piling up at once? Are you afraid? You don’t have to worry, you don’t have to cry. If you can just go before the Father and declare “ I can make it, I can make it.” Your brokenness will instantly, be moved if you focus on Him and not all that is coming your way.
The world is facing so many trails and all sorts of darts seem to be coming our way. But there is a friend that can revive you. The Bible says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” Philippians 4:13.
Consider not doing it on your own. Allow God to block your mind from trying to locate your help and pray that you continue to look to the Father. It is through Christ we are strengthened to with stand, whatever comes our way. When you feel like the bills are too heavy, the job is tearing you down, you feel like your responsibilities supersede the energy you have, rest in Him. Allow our heavenly Father to be your refreshment, believing you can make it. “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away,” Revelation 21:4.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Ignite Your Faith
I don’t recall if I ever got money as a child when I was young, nor did I believe my grandmother. As an adult, the itching of my hand has always reminded me to expect whatever I am praying for. When my hand itches it’s as if I can see myself getting what I am praying for so I expect it all the more.
Expecting God to move is having faith, the book of Hebrews says, "But without faith it is impossible to Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him," Hebrews 11:6.
If there is no confidence or trust in God all shots are called off, they are disabled. There is no power when we don’t rely on God, as there is no fire on a stove, if the match is not joined with the gas. Just as the lamp won’t turn on, if you never turn on the switch. Faith ignites God, it satisfies Him to do the impossible, what was once immobilized becomes mobilized. We must come to God with confidence. Our mind has to already be made up, persuaded that all is going through and will be approved. We should trust He is the one who pays wages to those that draws near attentively, searching and holding God obligated.
How is your faith today? Do you have confidence in the Lord to do the impossible? Are you trusting God for your healing? Have you been seeking yourself for a remedy for healing, for financial debt or for a broken relationship? Or do you seek God early and ask Him for peace to receive the prescription for your situation?
It was by faith that Noah prepared an ark becoming a successor of righteousness. By faith that Abraham went to dwell in a land and he knew not where he was going but inherited the land of promise. It was through faith that Sara had a baby in her old age. By faith baby Moses was hidden in bushes and expected to be seen and nurtured. It was faith that brought Moses through suffering with the people of God than relaxing enjoying pleasures, wandering away from the law of God, for only a little while.
Consider using your faith and allow God to set flames to the impossible. Pray to God to strengthen your faith. Ask God to assist you in trusting Him with confidence. For as Christ said, “if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer,” Matthew 21:21-22.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Great, No Matter Your Age
I find myself, disregarding their age and commending the one that follows my directions. Interestingly, it’s more often my three year old.
Such practices in my home remind of the psalmist “He will bless them that fear the Lord, small and great. The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children,” Psalm 115:13-14.
These scriptures are saying that the Lord will praise those that shows reverence to Him no matter their age. God will bless us not according to how significant or in significant we are but how honorable we are to Him. The verse together reminds us that no matter what our credentials He will add to us according to our respect to Him. But not only to the one obeying but the children and grand children. Everyone will be blessed because of reverence.
Abraham was one who showed much honor to God and He blessed him and his descendants. How do you respond to the directions of God? When others of authority gives instructions, do you follow through? Or do you hesitate, anticipating the one who is older, the one with more experience, or the other person to do what you have been asked to do?
Reverencing can be challenging but not as detrimental as coping with the consequences. Consider not your status when you are instructed. Ask God to help you be one that honors and not dishonor. Pray to God to help you follow through.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Stumbling With No Vision
The proverbs of Solomon says “Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law,”(Proverbs 29:18).
Isn’t it funny when we can’t visualize something quickly, we put it off and let go of our emotions. When we have no vision and neglect what we cannot see our emotions are triggered and some get paralyzed. Further, it says blessed is the one that follows direction. This reminds me of putting a shelf together that you don’t have a picture of to guide you as you go but instead you are given only instructions. If you follow the instructions from start to finish you will be blessed with the shelf ; however, if you try to skip some directions you will have a bunch of pieces just in the way, holding no purpose.
Do you have completed task or a bunch of pieces laying around the house? What has you losing control ? How many instructions have you pushed to the side because you felt you couldn’t see where you were going? God gives each of us visions and instructions yet because we hesitate to follow those instructions we cast off what He has instructed us to do, get an attitude and far from happy are we.
Not having a vision can cause you to lose control and stumble. But if you are willing to follow instructions blessed, will you be. Consider being happy. Ask God to help you yield to His guidance. Pray that you are able to have control and follow His will.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Delight Yourself
Her granddaughter would cry every weekend and make a big fuss because she wanted to go see her grandmother. So she would convince her parents every weekend to go over her grandmother’s house.
While she was there, they would just talk as she brushed her long, wavy, gray, and silky hair. The grandmother would give her a dollar each time she came and cleaned her living room. Her mother would always tell her to give it back to her grandmother but the grandmother would always manage to put it back in her bag.
When the grandmother died all the children gathered to hear the details of the will. She left money to the church, gave different possessions to the children, but she left aside something far more great to her granddaughter.
The will stated “for countless hours of weekend, after weekend spending time with me, I leave you my house and 1 million dollars.
This story reminds me of the psalmist David saying, "Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart," Psalm 37:4.
When we delight in intimate time with the Father it’s no telling what miraculous miracle He has a waiting for us. But you have to spend time with Him. Blessing the food at the dinner table is not enough. Showing up on Sunday is not enough; our life style has to be built around a life time of dates with the Father.
When we delight in Him we are happy, as if we have a crush on the Lord. Our delighting in God should be as a crush that we can’t get enough of; as a result, we spend time with Him and trust Him. He tells us to commit our way to Him, trust in Him, and He will act (Psalm 37:5). When we dedicate our self to Him, we display our trust to Him. As a result He does supply all needs (Philippians 4:19).
Are you willing to trust the Lord? Will you spend time with Him, daily? Maybe you’re tired of living in hell and drained of running out in the world. Perhaps, you’re exhausted of listening to everyone else, wondering “when will I be free from this curse,” I encourage you to commit your ways to the Lord.
Consider delighting in the Lord. Possibly, you have been having a part time affair with the Lord hanging out with Him on Sunday and Monday and doing your own thing Tuesday through Saturday. Paul tells us, we have a choice through believing and accepting the promises of God we should choose the right path (2 Corinthians 7:1). Accept Christ in your heart and trust Him today. Choose the will of the Lord, so He may add to your heart desires.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I Need to be Filled
By the time I was 27 I thought I was going crazy. Any sudden rush of change would send me into a rage. I was so heartbroken that a wall surrounded me, blocking others’ to attempt to get to know me. My emotions were on fire and only God could put out the flames.
For many years I sought a path that would lead me to a place where I could be loved, but the brokenness I felt made it difficult for me to identify, accept or give love. Over time, though, I came to know the greatest Love, I now know where to go when I get low. When it seems impossible to turn the other cheek – so that I may remain meek – I go to the Father.
I am reminded of the passage in the book of Isaiah where the prophet wrote what God said to Israel: "Since you were precious in My sight, you have been honored, and I have loved you; Therefore I will give men for you, and people for your life,” (Isaiah 43:4).
Isaiah was saying, God created you, he was reminding Israel of the love that God has for them. Christians are God’s people. For all those who have confessed Christ as their Savior, God has a love for you that only He can fulfill. Just as God has affection for those of Israel, He has that same affection for all His people.
Later in chapter 63 Isaiah wrote “in His love and His pity He redeemed them,” Christ is still loving and redeeming us today. No matter what your affliction is, He loves you.
Can others see the love of Christ in you? Do you know the love of Christ? Have you ever been so broken that you seek for love, try to give love only to find that you yourself are just half way full? Love is like a foreign language, if you have never learned it, it is complicated to speak. If you only know a little you can only give a little.
Consider filling up today. Come to know the love of Christ so you may give the love of Christ to others. Allow Christ in your heart. Give over the brokenness you hold inside and allow Him to just love on you, for you are precious in His sight.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Fighting to Love
I am told to love my neighbor as myself,
Lord this is hard and I really need your help.
My co-worker got on my nerves at work today,
It is just so hard to love her back when she’s this way.
Then my neighbor gave complete liberty to her dog,
He did his job with no problem all over my yard.
Going home in traffic today, this man cut in front of me,
Now tell me how I am to love these people back and be free.
As I really ponder this one, I could see Jesus just sharing His love as He moved along His way.
We are commanded first, to love. “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. The second commandment states, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. There is no other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:30-31).
In order to experience the art of giving or being in love; or rather, to “activate” love, we must first hand love over to God our Father. Before we can actually give love, we have to commit our heart, soul, mind and strength to doing so. We can not harbor hate, have a bad mind set or have our inner self doing what we think is right. While our mind, body and soul strengthen our desire to love, there still must be a connection with the Spirit of God. It is like the insertion of a key into the ignition of a car, causing it to start. Uniting our mind, body and soul with the Spirit of God sets fire to the art of giving and experiencing love freely.
What have you allowed into your heart that must come out? Are you refusing to let go of whatever causes you to cry out? Will you yield your will and change your mind for Christ? Consider your ways,in order to love and give love out, you must!
Let go of your problems in your mind.
Letting go will evict hate while you become more kind.
Find your strength within the Father as you learn to love, I promise – you will love as you should, for it will flow from above.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
I Should Have Died, But God
As I reflect on how God has a purpose for all of our lives, my mind is captured by the Psalm of David. “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord uphold him with His hand,” Psalm 37:23-24.
Consider a parent directing their child and as the child follows directions the parent is happy. David was saying that God directs the righteous step by step, as a parent guides their child throughout the course of their life. When we fall down, either in sin or into trouble, God will not allow us to be reduced to rubble by our falls. We will not be ruined. Instead, I believe God releases angels to shield us as He defends and supports us with His hand because His plan will not be made void.
Interestingly, all four of the people mentioned previously are still alive. I can see God in my sanctified imagination holding the face of the woman who fell, sustaining the two who had a stroke, defending my cousin from death. I can see God getting their undivided attention to move to the next step so that His plan could move forward. Have you ever had a near death experience? Is it obvious why you did not die?
What plan has God directed for you? Do you feel like there is no point of preparing because you’re not making the money or you don’t have the support? Have you fallen or you can’t see through the forest? God has His hand there upholding you; He has not and will not let you go.
Consider not letting go of God but pressing forward, following His steps. Ask God to help you see His purpose. Pray that you yield to His plan. Thank Him for not letting you die when you could have, should have died. Thank Him that you can say “But God has a plan.”
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Hallelujah! This Is Killing Me!
Difficult times can bring out the best or worse in you depending on your faith. How many times have you been in a difficult, painful or overwhelming situation and with great despair cry out "Oh Lord, please get me out of this! This is killing me!" Good news!!! You are absolutely right! It IS killing you! It's killing everything in you that is not like God.
In Jeremiah 18, the Lord leads the prophet Jeremiah to a Potter's house. There he sees the Potter molding clay. Verse 4 tells us that the vessel was “marred in the Potter’s hand, and he made it into a different vessel as seemed good to him to make it."
Because the clay was not yet what he desired, the Potter had to stop, and mold it again. The encouraging news in this Scripture is that although the vessel was flawed it remained in the Potter's hand. God asked a question: "O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this Potter? Look, as the clay is in the Potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel!" (v. 6) God wants to remove our faults and mold us into a beautiful vessel as we trust Him and rest in His hands.
Are you able to trust God in your painful, difficult place? Will you allow Him to mold you, no matter how hard or how long the process?
Consider the benefits of trusting God. There is a great exchange; your weakness for His strength, your worry for His peace, your confusion for His soundness of mind, your sadness for His joy, and your fear for faith from Him. It takes trust in GOD to be able to believe and receive God. Only the Spirit of God in you can respond to the things of God. He has to do away with your flesh so that He can get to Himself. So, the next time you feel like "it's killing you”... let it. God wants to reveal Himself in and to you. Embrace it, trust God and let your new declaration be: Thank You Lord! Hallelujah! This is killing ME! In order to be gold, we have to go through fire, for it destroys all impurities.
"O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this Potter? says the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the Potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel."
Jeremiah 18:6
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Serving Others
These thoughts grasp my attention to the Apostle Paul’s writings, it states “For the ministry of this service is not only fully supplying the needs of the saints, but is also overflowing through many thanksgivings to God,”2 Corinthians 9:12.
Giving is a aspect of ministry. Ministry is service provided to others at the expense of the ones carrying out the commands of God to not only add to what is lacking in reference to property and resources, poverty, want, or need but overflowing in a large measure of thankfulness to God.
When you give, others will praise God for the obedience you have proven yourself unto God. Your kindness will be thought of forever.
Prior to verse 12, Paul states in the ninth verse that because you dispense blessings all over, giving to the poor, your righteousness will last forever. You will never be forgotten because you would have planted a seed bringing someone close to the Christ. The verses following say because you added seed, multiplying the harvest you will be spiritually rich resulting in thanking and glorifying our Heavenly Father.
Do you give? What gift has God given you for the building of the kingdom? Are you giving it for edification? What is your perspective of giving? Have you made up in your heart to give, what you give? Or do you feel obligated to give to get what you want?
Writing is something I enjoy. I find pleasure in writing and sharing with others how God has been faithful through my walk. I consider writing devotionals as a form of ministry which is serving others.
Paul advises us to do just as you have purposed in your heart, “not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver, ” (2 Corinthians 9:7). The righteous act is giving on your own. You should feel no sorrow, pain, grief, or mourn another because you have given. You should not feel under obligation as if it is a requirement, feeling forced by a situation or because everybody else is doing it. You should not give because it is the law and it would benefit you to give.
Consider giving without the condition that you will get a reward in return but give because you have already made up in your heart and mind that it is what you personally want to do. God loves the giver that is prompt to do anything and is happy about giving.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Why Can't I Flow
I felt like I was beating myself up against a wall.
I know what I am supposed to do, but I would always fall.
Why do I feel so heavy, when I need to feel so free.
Maybe I am just not allowing forgiveness to flow in me.
I have the ability to do the will of God, when I can.
Yet, it still feels like it is not fully reaching Man.
I think I know that I need to repent because I am not perfect.
Thank you God for allowing repentance, to fight this fit.
As I consider this fight within, my mind is reminded of the words of Peter.
“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” 2 Peter 3:9.
This scripture is telling us that our master, God, renders slowly to what He has announced as the promised good or blessing. Some lead in a slow motion as if in a delayed position. However, our Heavenly Father is patient toward us because He has no desire to destroy us but allow us to retire of the old way and have a change of mind of our very purpose. God distributes slowly toward our blessings so that we may get rid of what we formed in our mind that is negative toward our destiny.
He called us all to do something on earth and desires for us to repent. Consistently, thinking bad of our self and making bad decisions is against the will of God. He doesn’t pride off putting an end to us, that we may perish. In life we will experience doing things that cause grief, but He looks to us to, just repent and have a sigh of relief.
What is in you that you do, that you need to let go?
Are you still in it, blocking off your flow?
Will you just repent and turn back from this sin?
Will you today and let the peace of God within?
Out of all the abilities that you may have within yourself
You can do nothing without God’s great help
You can try to fake this thing along the way
But with heaviness, you will only have a wasted day
Just try repenting and see if God gives you your flow
We are all called to it, now more truth you know.
© 2009 Heddie J.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Adding To Your Heart Desires
When the grandmother died all the children gathered to hear the details of the will. She left money to the church, gave different possessions to the children, but she left aside something far more great to her granddaughter. The will stated “for countless hours of weekend, after weekend, for spending time with me, I leave you my house and $ 1 million.”
I am reminded of the Psalm which David encourages the righteous to Delight in the Lord (Psalm 37:4). Delighting in the Lord involves spending intimate time with the Father; it’s no telling what miraculous miracle He has a waiting for you. But you have to spend time with Him. Blessing the food at the dinner table is not enough. Showing up on Sunday is not enough; your life style has to be built around a life time of dates with the Father.
David declares for us to commit our way to Him, trust in him, and he will act (Psalm 37:5). When we dedicate our self to Him, we display our trust to Him. As a result He does supply all needs (Philippians 4:19).
Are you willing to trust the Lord? Will you stay away from the thoughts of doing something quick that’s not legit? Can you dwell where He says to dwell? Are you willing to feed on faithfulness so you can enjoy what He has for you?
Consider spending more time with our heavenly Father. Become monogamous with God. Maybe you have been having a part time affair with the Lord hanging out with Him on Sunday and Monday and doing your own thing Tuesday through Saturday. Paul tells us we have a choice through believing and accepting the promises of God we should choose the right path (2 Corinthians 7:1). For those of you that are living in hell and you’re tired of running out in the world, wondering “when will I be free from this curse” I encourage you to commit your ways to the Lord. Choose the will of the Lord so He may add to your heart desires.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Trusting In God In Times of Hopelessness
She flagged the cars approaching her to let them know to slow down so they would not hit the young mother and baby. Quickly, she went to the store and thought I should have stopped. As she returned to journey back home she saw that young girl again this time in tears. The lady slowed down while a car was behind her, she rolled down her window and yelled, “What’s wrong sweetheart?”
The young girl lifted the baby on her hip with tears rolling down her eyes and said, “Nothing, mam, I am okay.” She then pulled over and said to her, “No, something is wrong, you are crying, walking in the heat of the morning, with a baby on your hip, tell me what’s wrong, it can’t be that bad?”
The lady invited her in the car to find that she was a teen mother, struggling to buy diapers for her 8 month old son. The young girl walked down that long heated road, crying and yelling on the inside distraught with her life. The father of the child was forbidden to be a part of their life and she felt the pressure of not being able to provide for her son. They drove back to the store and she asked the young girl what she needed. The young girl pulled out a wrinkled up $10 bill in tears and called out a list that the $10 would not come close to covering. The woman went in the store bought all the items she requested and returned her home, invited her to church saying “Everything will be just fine. It is going to be some hard days but trust in God and He will help you through, just as He did today.”
This scenario captures my attention to David’s Psalm, he wrote “Your mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds,” Psalm 36:5. David was saying others may shut up their compassion, yet, with God there is always mercy available for the righteous. What great comfort there is to know our heavenly Father is merciful.
The young girl was distraught with her life. She had a baby and no father was there to help her support the child. She could not see any way to stretch the $10 she had to get her baby what she needed. I imagined she walked down the long road wishing she could change back the hands of time.
There are many things we have done against the will of the Father but God is still merciful and reaches out to us. Today many people who have made mistakes and walk around miserable wishing, “if I could go back to that moment prior to that decision.” Yet what is done is done.
Consider changing your focus on the mercy that waits for you from the Lord. Call upon God to meet you in your area of weakness. Ask the Father to hold you as you lift yourself to Him, trusting God while not being ashamed in your time of despair. Trust as David trusted “though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand,” (Psalm 37:24).
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Are You Planning
This scenario is common for many households. Once the parent that typically instructs the children is gone for a moment the other is seeking a plan to get the children out and about.
Often times many seek a plan after things are in motion, instead of prior. Before you were created God already had a plan in place for you. God does not create something and then set a plan in motion. He has a plan before the creation.
My mind is captured by the calling of Jeremiah. In the thirteenth year of the reign of Josiah God spoke to the Prophet Jeremiah saying "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations," Jeremiah 1:5.
God was basically saying to Jeremiah, prior to your birth I chose you and made you different and gave you the position as a prophet. He was to serve not only the Jews but neighboring nations also.
Jeremiah was a young boy and I imagine him wondering, who am I to follow out such task. God came to Jeremiah to give him confidence to let him know I have the blue print for the directions I have given you.
Have you wondered how to get to one point, yet not considered planning from the beginning? Maybe you are in motion to a certain destination and wonder why things are bumpy along the way. Possibly you jump into projects without reading the directions initially.
Consider seeking God first before setting out. Pray to God to guide you to your purpose. Ask God to reveal what He has positioned you to do in life, for we all have a purpose in life.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Let The Sheppard
I had another week to instruct the children so I thought I have to do something for a speedy recovery. I finally decided to go to the doctor and I sat down. I did absolutely nothing during the weekend but pray, rest and pray some more.
On Sunday, I began to feel better and I was able to go on through the next week. I had to continue to call on God because in my Spirit I knew it was deeper but I could not put my hands on it. I found myself totally dependent on God for each day knowing a spiritual battle was taking place. As I knelt to pray today, I prayed to the Sheppard.
I was drawn to Psalm 23; most people learn this psalm as a child. I never understood it as a child.
It says, “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.”
As I have grown, I am learning more of what David was really saying. I imagine David saying “My Sheppard can meet my spiritual needs and so much more.” As your life feels like it is strenuous the Sheppard can restore your soul.
When you feel like you can go no longer and your soul is dry look to God to make you lie down. Maybe you are in a dry season as God is positioning you to a place of rest. Sometimes our Sheppard crafts a circumstance that makes you give up all of your ability to fix whatever has drained your life, so you are completely resting on Him. Possibly you are in a circumstance you can’t get out of it is because you are not suppose to be doing the fixing.
God presents to us our insufficiency by our faults. God is saying sit down so He can restore you from what is draining you. Our Sheppard is sufficient but when we refrain from yielding and continue to go on and on our soul is not being restored by our Sheppard.
If you are trying to tally up enough money to pay your house note, opening up your piggy bank in hopes for just enough for gas for the day, running to your bed to rest for a moment and do it all over again perhaps you are drained. As you look around can you continuously see how insufficient you are? Do you seek God as you are on your way to your next destination hoping He will shine some light so you can make it through?
Consider your insufficiency alerting you to lie down in His green pastures. Allow the Sheppard to restore you in the midst of His green pastures and stop looking at the still water and let Him pour the living water in you. Ask God to halt your thoughts. Pray to the Father to make you weak so He may give your soul what it has been thirsting. For God is able.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Choices that Humiliate or Illuminate
His mother anxiously says “What is it; you look as if your life is over?” His father mockingly interjects, “Once you walk across that stage boy, you would have lost your life of childhood and entered into manhood.” The young man hangs his head low embarrassed to tell his parents. Cheerfully his mother says, “Son, tell us what it is, you have to go to school, you haven’t graduated yet.”
At that moment it was as if time stood still, as the young man opened his mouth trembling saying, “Mom, Dad I have a son, he’s six weeks old and I can’t go to college as you thought. I have to stay here and take care of my kid.”
His father stands with a heartless glare upon his lopsided face. His mother drops her head saying, “Oh My God, what have you done.”
Many parents look forward to a positive future for their child. They anticipate that all the instructions, the correction, and rules have molded them to be a good responsible productive person. Nevertheless, children do not always respond in such manner. Many adults don’t always respond by obeying as if they are in the presence of God. A mistake is made and the response of fear takes over.
Fear is like a sensor that measures your growth. “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12).
Typically, parents hope that when their child leaves home, on the second phase of their life they will act as if they were still in their presence. Yet event adults react in wreck less manners taking action in their own comfort.
Our decision reflects if we are going to have an attitude honoring God in fear or honor our self. How do you respond in the absence of others? Do you reply the same as if God was before you?
Reflect on the decisions you make in the physical absence of your heavenly Father. Consider children in your absence, as you remind them to think about their choice don’t forget about your choice - will it humiliate or illuminate God?
Monday, May 18, 2009
God's Word
During this crisis in my life I felt moved to help encourage others yet all I could see is, "I needed to be set free."
As I consider my situation my thoughts are reminded of the Lord declaring, “My thoughts are not as His thoughts, nor my ways as His ways” Isaiah 55:8.
Today I am at peace with being me; I have a loving supportive husband that I am elated about being his wife and four children that I love dearly with being their mother.
I seek God as David saying “Make you ways known to me Lord; teach me your paths” (Psalm 25:4). I know that His Words bring light and give understanding to one with little experience (Psalm 119:130). I seek Him to show me what He is doing and why. I stand before the Father in search of His ways and my mind is captured by the Lord’s declaration “His Word that comes from His mouth, will not return to Him empty but it will accomplish what He pleases, and will prosper in what He sent it to do” (Isaiah 55:12).
God’s Word is a revelation sent to germinate. Often times God sends forth a Word for us to trust Him and because we lose sight of our focus we sit on His Word. We treat His Word like a new suit that hangs in your closet, unworn, because you don’t know where to wear it. It hangs in the closet unworn and unused, waiting on you, maybe because you think you don’t have matching shoes or the accessories to complete the suit. The Word of the Lord has all the components you need to do what the Father has asked of you. Yet it waits on you.
How are you responding to your life at this moment? Has God sent forth a Word and you are sitting on it?
Perhaps the Lord has sent a revelation and instead of fearing the Father you respond in fear to the transition. Maybe you don’t realize your response measures your spiritual development.
Consider asking the Father to show you His ways. Pray that you discern what the Lord is up to. Call upon the Father to direct you as you yield yourself to His will. For “you will indeed go out with joy and be peacefully guided” Isaiah 55:12.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Crying Out
He cried through the night and I held him close to me. My level of concern was rising and I cried to God asking Him, What to do? I prayed that He would heal my son and give me wisdom to tend to the child He gave me to watch over as He would see fit.
Like a baby, wisdom cries out loud for us. Wisdom wants our attention because with wisdom you make better decisions. “Wisdom calls aloud in the streets; she rails her voice in the public squares; at the end of the noisy streets she cries out, in the gateways of the city she makes her speech” (Proverbs 1:20-21).
Wisdom is like a hidden treasure that you have to search for (Proverbs 2:4). Yet upon your treasure hunt you have to follow directions. Those directions come from the Father. “For the Lord gives wisdom and from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:6).
Today many are pondering about how to get in the will of God. Some want the reward yet detest the requirements. Wisdom calls out to those that are willing to hunt for it. Wisdom is valuable and like all things that are of value you have to work for it.
Consider seeking God for wisdom. Don’t be discouraged by the lions roaring at you, instead focus on the Lord as Daniel did in the lion’s den. God will shut the mouth of your lions as well.
Allow God to calm you and give you peace. Pray to God for wisdom. Call upon the Lord to forgive you for not doing what He says to do and open your heart to yield to the Father. Wisdom is supreme. Go get wisdom. Yes it is costly, but get understanding (Proverbs 4:7).
Friday, May 8, 2009
Stop, Go To Him
About a year ago, I was her. After all the busy ways of life, I found myself existing and not living. I became frustrated, an anxiety spirit consumed me, my view was clouded and it was difficult for me to make decisions, making time to go to the doctor was tedious, being a mother was tough, loving myself was far from reach, praying was hard, living was hard-hitting, as I attempted to do everything in my own strength.
Sometimes in our life you have to stop and go to the Lord. Our Father has all of your concerns in control. He has a plan for your plan but if we don’t stop and go to Him you will drown.
In Mark 5, I recall the story of Jarius, a man of great faith. His daughter was deadly ill. Jarius was a busy man in the ministry and community. He was a senior pastor, the top man in the congregation; he had a significant job in the Palestine. Jarius was a busy man with a family. When his daughter got sick he stopped and knelt down before Jesus and pleaded about his daughter. He told him, come lay hands on my daughter and she will be healed. They walked to his daughter but as they walked the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years caused Jesus to stop.
I can see Jarius, curiously saying “everything must be okay. If Jesus has time to stop it must mean she is fine.” Jarius stayed right there with Jesus when He stopped. He stayed right there and did not move until He finished.
You can’t get so busy with life that you don’t stop to go to the Father for your needs. Jarius knew Jesus was the great physician. He knew He could do all things. He had child like faith.
When my daughter came to me at the beginning of this year with her list to publish her book she did not consider how much it would cost, would I have time to get it done, she knew it was a done deal. My daughter reminded me of the Faith that the Father wants us to have in what seems to be an impossible situation. She believed that her book would be published and for that it occurred.
How hectic is your schedule today? Are you walking your path? Have you stopped when there was a delay in your life? A delay is not an automatic denial but a pause.
Sometimes it feels as if you are being pulled from left to right. However, don’t forget to stop and take your needs to the top doctor, the main provider, the comforter, the will in the middle of a will.
Consider throwing yourself a life jacket in the deep ocean and hold on to the Father. Remember Him for who He is and trust Him. As mother’s day is approaching pray for a mother today. Ask God to help the mother’s of our world to come to a halt and go to Him. Call upon the Father and give Him your special need. Pray to the Lord that you embrace Him and get extremely close so you may find the way through the day.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Your Walk
Our colors were green, white and black. Green was symbolic of growth, while white was symbolic of new life and black represented the old stuff. It was imperative for more white to be visual as well as accents of green to display life God gives us daily and growth. Somehow the old stuff manages to stick around and sometimes chocking the new life we are granted daily.
Many people have center pieces in their life. For some their center piece might be family, a job, house, car, clothes,children or spouse but our true center piece should be the Creator. However, emphasis of material or other people seem to tug at people breaking their focus of the true source of life.
The Lord says, “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, Who walks in His ways” Psalm 128:1.
If your main focus is the Lord it is easy for you to respect the Father and emulate His ways. If you are more concern with a job, finances, car or other material things then it is difficult to see clearly as a result you don’t feel very happy.
Today many are hurting because of the economic hardship but God is still in the business of giving peace in the midst of turbulence. What is the center piece in your life? Are you walking so others may find favor in you? Do you look to the Lord for blessings or material things?
Don’t allow your circumstance to consume you and become your center piece. Ask God to help you narrow your focus on Him. Pray to God for discernment so you may walk in His ways and be blessed.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Stand Up!
I am reminded how a man once told me, “No one celebrates Father’s Day, it’s just another day.” This man made this comment because he said there were no positive influences about being a father while he was growing up. As a result he perceived Father’s Day to be nothing out of the ordinary.
When considering this man’s view and the influence that the media is portraying about mother’s I find it sickening. After God created Adam and Eve and they became one, God blessed them and said be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground"(Genesis1:28). God instructed husbands and wives to multiply the earth. He gave these instructions not because the act of having children was so great but so we could have dominion over the world glorifying His magnificent name.
If a person gets deceived in to believing being a parent is horrible then the enemy has won them over. We have a positive influence in God. He is the most powerful, loving, trustworthy and awesome parent that we all should look to when considering parenthood.
To be a parent is an honorable position. A parent is there to guide and train while providing for another life. Parenthood should exemplify how our Heavenly Father guides and provides for us.
Having children will be a challenge yet it is a blessing worth fighting for. “When a woman is in travail she has sorrow, because her hour has come; but when she is delivered of the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a child is born into the world" (John 16:21 RSV).
When God created the world it was to glorify His name. As He made man and woman it was also to glorify His name. What is your perspective of being a parent? Do you feel it is too hard? Have you been considering refraining from parenthood based on the media? Are you a parent wishing you could renegotiate the terms of parenthood? Don’t let the media give parenthood a bad rep. Be bold as a Christian and Stand Up!
Instead of letting the negative views of parenthood flourish allow others see the joy in being a parent. Pray to God to help you Stand Up as a parent. Ask the Father to give you strength so others may be encouraged to know as a parent God still guides and provides for you. Call upon the Lord to help you make wise decisions in the act of being a parent so others may not be mislead about being a parent. Pray to God that you do not stand for people giving the name of a parent a negative one. For God has created the roles of the parent and everything He created He said it is good (Genesis 1:1 to 2:3).
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Your Cross
Part of me feels like I’m suffering. I am searching with my spiritual inspector lens for the question, “Who am I suffering for?” I want to know, while feeling weighed down, “Who is this load for?”
My aches and pains are merely my cross. My mind captures when Jesus called the people to Him “His followers were also there. Then Jesus said, "If any person wants to follow me, he must say 'No' to the things he wants. That person must accept the cross (suffering) that is given to him, and he must follow me” (Mark 8:34).
I can’t follow Christ if I am not willing to pick up my own cross. Often times in life a person suffers and considers why yet never who the suffering is for. I am reminded of Jesus carrying the cross. When Jesus carried the cross he was suffering for me. He took up the cross not because he did something wrong but because He knew I was going to do something wrong. He knew I would need forgiveness.
Many people are suffering today, some have high blood pressure, anxiety attacks, many are losing control, spiraling in a rage, gaining and losing weight, contemplating death. People that are suffering today are noticing their pain but not the root of the pain.
Have you been in much pain, lately? Perhaps your pain is your cross. Maybe you suffer at a time such as this because God wants you to understand that the cross is to position you to surrender to His way. When we bear our cross we can empty our self as He fills us with more of Him.
Instead of trying to figure out how to escape the pain, ask God to help you pick your cross. Pray to the Father for strength to bear the pains to help another, to inspire someone else get closer to the Father.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Pursue Your Gift
My comments are deeper than just being a proud mother because she published a book. Her actions inspired me more than she can even imagine.
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was fired. The publisher told me due to my handicap I would no longer continue working at the publication. I was distraught. It was then that I closed myself from the life of being a writer. I had a pity party for seven years, too long. By the grace of God I am able to write.
When she says to me, “Mom you inspired me," I hear, ‘what if you never picked up the pen again.’ I praise the Father for pushing me to be the writer that I am for if it had not been for Him the inspiration He gives me through others would not be on paper today.
A year ago, I committed to the Father to just write for Him. I have awakened every morning existing for Him. Prior to existing for Him, I was incomplete in search of the emptiness.
I can look at my daughter and be reminded of Jesus when he was a child. His parents traveled to Jerusalem to the Passover every year. Jesus had grown and “became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him” (Luke 2:40).
During this time, Jesus was teaching to others and he was a child. You and I were created in His image (Genesis 1:27). Our children are creations of His image; as a result they too can be filled with wisdom to teach others with the grace of God upon them.
An eight year old child has inspired me to continue pushing and be encouraged to do what the Father has created me to do. I can imagine the people being in awe with every word that came out of Jesus’ mouth. I can see them leaving with hope and being inspired to go through another day.
Has a little one been opening your eyes? Is there a child in your life growing in wisdom?
Don’t let the age of a person catch you off guard. Instead of brushing the child off listen to them. Allow the Father to minister to you through them. Ask the Lord to forgive you for not being the image of Him. Pray that the Father helps you maintain your focus, as you strive to go after His will. God will use anyone He pleases to engage you to pursue your God given gift.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Confessing When at Odds
Today, I can’t even remember all the issues we had. I know we had discord but the details get more and more vague as time goes by.
As I think of my past I am reminded that once we were enemies of God and He forgave us before we came to Him with an apology. “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life (Romans 5:10).
My sibling and I were at odds with each other because we did something against one another. We were both hurt and we were separated for many years. It was not until I whole-heartedly decided to be forgiving, before we were reunited with each other.
The Bible tells us that Jacob also separated himself from his brother when he hurt Esau. He ran to another town to get away from his brother because he knew he hurt his brother, after his dad did not bless him upon his death. It was not until Jacob decided he was going to be apologetic towards his actions, that he was embraced by his brother. Jacob was extremely sincere and brought gifts to his brother in hopes that he would understand (Genesis 32 and 33). God did not bless Jacob until he made things right between the two of them.
Are you at odds with your sibling? Have you been waiting for them to apologize to you for hurting you and you have not confessed your wrong doing? God does not teach us to forgive by receiving apologies first.
We must quickly confess, "In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry" (Ephesians 4:26). What ever has caused you anger or hurt should not fester the next day, but should be put to rest before the sun goes down. This eliminates bitterness growing. It is not wise for us to wait to apologies for it will make it more difficult and time consuming for us to get rid of the agony. God has given us the time frame of one day to cool down and get over the matter, with a forgiving heart.
Consider evaluating your confessions. Ask God to help you forgive those that have hurt you. Pray to God to help you focus on Him and not your pain as He releases you from your agony. For God forgave us while we were yet still sinners, at odds with Him.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Fixing Your Eyes
A woman is at odds with her husband. They have not been seeing eye-to-eye for the over seven months. She has been praying for a change.
One morning as she prepared the family for church her husband reveals to her, he is not joining them.
Inside this woman is having a fit, nevertheless, she presented herself in a loving manner. Not once did she question him, instead she played gospel tunes as she tugged the children and herself to church alone.
This wife is suffering from communicating how she honestly feels towards her husband’s actions. She is frustrated but yet is exercising the fruit of gentleness to her husband (Galatians 5:22-23).
This situation reminds me of Paul telling us to “fix our eyes on Jesus, who for joy set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame” Hebrews 12:1-2. Paul wants us to imagine how Christ displayed perfect love by tolerating the torture and humiliation on the cross.
This woman whom is striving to get her family closer to God refrains from speaking her mind not because she is afraid of him but because of his position. She bites her tongue because all the prayer request to bring her and her spouse closer will be undone if she has a rage and lashes out, what she feels.
Her toleration of pain is based on her fixing her eyes on Christ. Suffering for righteousness is an honorable virtue. Christ endured suffering for us so we may have eternal life.
How do you respond when you are suffering and being humiliated? Do you seek revenge? Have you composed an escape plan? Do you have a nasty note to convey your feelings? It is not wise for us to speak of things when we are upset for it will lay a foundation of more damage.
Maybe you keep feeling betrayed or disrespected. Perhaps your pride is being trampled and you just don’t get it. Don’t let bitterness consume you.
Consider being more Christ like when you are in agony. Pray to God to help you be more as the Lord. Ask the Father to enhance your personal spiritual growth. Call upon the Lord to glorify and please Him in your marriage or any other relationship. For it is better to be “kind and tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ has forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32).