Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ignite Your Faith

When I was a little girl my right hand would itch and I would run and tell my grandmother, “ my hand is on fire, make it stop!” She would laugh and tell me baby you’re going to get some money.

I don’t recall if I ever got money as a child when I was young, nor did I believe my grandmother. As an adult, the itching of my hand has always reminded me to expect whatever I am praying for. When my hand itches it’s as if I can see myself getting what I am praying for so I expect it all the more.

Expecting God to move is having faith, the book of Hebrews says, "But without faith it is impossible to Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him," Hebrews 11:6.

If there is no confidence or trust in God all shots are called off, they are disabled. There is no power when we don’t rely on God, as there is no fire on a stove, if the match is not joined with the gas. Just as the lamp won’t turn on, if you never turn on the switch. Faith ignites God, it satisfies Him to do the impossible, what was once immobilized becomes mobilized. We must come to God with confidence. Our mind has to already be made up, persuaded that all is going through and will be approved. We should trust He is the one who pays wages to those that draws near attentively, searching and holding God obligated.

How is your faith today? Do you have confidence in the Lord to do the impossible? Are you trusting God for your healing? Have you been seeking yourself for a remedy for healing, for financial debt or for a broken relationship? Or do you seek God early and ask Him for peace to receive the prescription for your situation?

It was by faith that Noah prepared an ark becoming a successor of righteousness. By faith that Abraham went to dwell in a land and he knew not where he was going but inherited the land of promise. It was through faith that Sara had a baby in her old age. By faith baby Moses was hidden in bushes and expected to be seen and nurtured. It was faith that brought Moses through suffering with the people of God than relaxing enjoying pleasures, wandering away from the law of God, for only a little while.

Consider using your faith and allow God to set flames to the impossible. Pray to God to strengthen your faith. Ask God to assist you in trusting Him with confidence. For as Christ said, “if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer,” Matthew 21:21-22.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Great, No Matter Your Age

My three year old son is always eager to help me fold the towels and set the table. His two older siblings on the other hand, have to be reminded to help with such chores. As I look at my children, I am reminded of growing up in a large family. The loud chants of, “ Don’t forget about me, I want some too, I want to be first, why am I always last,” was an ongoing record. Now as a parent of four children that same chant replays over and over in my head.

I find myself, disregarding their age and commending the one that follows my directions. Interestingly, it’s more often my three year old.

Such practices in my home remind of the psalmist “He will bless them that fear the Lord, small and great. The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children,” Psalm 115:13-14.

These scriptures are saying that the Lord will praise those that shows reverence to Him no matter their age. God will bless us not according to how significant or in significant we are but how honorable we are to Him. The verse together reminds us that no matter what our credentials He will add to us according to our respect to Him. But not only to the one obeying but the children and grand children. Everyone will be blessed because of reverence.

Abraham was one who showed much honor to God and He blessed him and his descendants. How do you respond to the directions of God? When others of authority gives instructions, do you follow through? Or do you hesitate, anticipating the one who is older, the one with more experience, or the other person to do what you have been asked to do?

Reverencing can be challenging but not as detrimental as coping with the consequences. Consider not your status when you are instructed. Ask God to help you be one that honors and not dishonor. Pray to God to help you follow through.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Stumbling With No Vision

One day my daughter was trying to draw a cartoon character, she kept getting upset because she could not remember what it looked like. She got so disturbed, I heard her make a loud grunt in her bedroom. I went to her room, as she threw the paper and pencil on the floor. I asked her why she was so upset and she explained her frustration to me. I went to the computer, pulled up a picture of the character and then drew it and gave it to her. She saw what I did and then decided to give it another try.

The proverbs of Solomon says “Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law,”(Proverbs 29:18).

Isn’t it funny when we can’t visualize something quickly, we put it off and let go of our emotions. When we have no vision and neglect what we cannot see our emotions are triggered and some get paralyzed. Further, it says blessed is the one that follows direction. This reminds me of putting a shelf together that you don’t have a picture of to guide you as you go but instead you are given only instructions. If you follow the instructions from start to finish you will be blessed with the shelf ; however, if you try to skip some directions you will have a bunch of pieces just in the way, holding no purpose.

Do you have completed task or a bunch of pieces laying around the house? What has you losing control ? How many instructions have you pushed to the side because you felt you couldn’t see where you were going? God gives each of us visions and instructions yet because we hesitate to follow those instructions we cast off what He has instructed us to do, get an attitude and far from happy are we.

Not having a vision can cause you to lose control and stumble. But if you are willing to follow instructions blessed, will you be. Consider being happy. Ask God to help you yield to His guidance. Pray that you are able to have control and follow His will.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Delight Yourself

A grandmother wanted her children to come by and just sit with her once a day. She wanted the company of her children but none of them would slow down to come and talk to her. They would bring her food and gifts and drive off.

Her granddaughter would cry every weekend and make a big fuss because she wanted to go see her grandmother. So she would convince her parents every weekend to go over her grandmother’s house.

While she was there, they would just talk as she brushed her long, wavy, gray, and silky hair. The grandmother would give her a dollar each time she came and cleaned her living room. Her mother would always tell her to give it back to her grandmother but the grandmother would always manage to put it back in her bag.

When the grandmother died all the children gathered to hear the details of the will. She left money to the church, gave different possessions to the children, but she left aside something far more great to her granddaughter.

The will stated “for countless hours of weekend, after weekend spending time with me, I leave you my house and 1 million dollars.

This story reminds me of the psalmist David saying, "Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart," Psalm 37:4.

When we delight in intimate time with the Father it’s no telling what miraculous miracle He has a waiting for us. But you have to spend time with Him. Blessing the food at the dinner table is not enough. Showing up on Sunday is not enough; our life style has to be built around a life time of dates with the Father.

When we delight in Him we are happy, as if we have a crush on the Lord. Our delighting in God should be as a crush that we can’t get enough of; as a result, we spend time with Him and trust Him. He tells us to commit our way to Him, trust in Him, and He will act (Psalm 37:5). When we dedicate our self to Him, we display our trust to Him. As a result He does supply all needs (Philippians 4:19).

Are you willing to trust the Lord? Will you spend time with Him, daily? Maybe you’re tired of living in hell and drained of running out in the world. Perhaps, you’re exhausted of listening to everyone else, wondering “when will I be free from this curse,” I encourage you to commit your ways to the Lord.

Consider delighting in the Lord. Possibly, you have been having a part time affair with the Lord hanging out with Him on Sunday and Monday and doing your own thing Tuesday through Saturday. Paul tells us, we have a choice through believing and accepting the promises of God we should choose the right path (2 Corinthians 7:1). Accept Christ in your heart and trust Him today. Choose the will of the Lord, so He may add to your heart desires.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Need to be Filled

As a young child my parents, divorced. Consequently, I spent over twenty years with my emotional tank half way full. I had a hard time accepting change, making friends, asking for what I needed and controlling my emotions.

By the time I was 27 I thought I was going crazy. Any sudden rush of change would send me into a rage. I was so heartbroken that a wall surrounded me, blocking others’ to attempt to get to know me. My emotions were on fire and only God could put out the flames.

For many years I sought a path that would lead me to a place where I could be loved, but the brokenness I felt made it difficult for me to identify, accept or give love. Over time, though, I came to know the greatest Love, I now know where to go when I get low. When it seems impossible to turn the other cheek – so that I may remain meek – I go to the Father.

I am reminded of the passage in the book of Isaiah where the prophet wrote what God said to Israel: "Since you were precious in My sight, you have been honored, and I have loved you; Therefore I will give men for you, and people for your life,” (Isaiah 43:4).

Isaiah was saying, God created you, he was reminding Israel of the love that God has for them. Christians are God’s people. For all those who have confessed Christ as their Savior, God has a love for you that only He can fulfill. Just as God has affection for those of Israel, He has that same affection for all His people.

Later in chapter 63 Isaiah wrote “in His love and His pity He redeemed them,” Christ is still loving and redeeming us today. No matter what your affliction is, He loves you.

Can others see the love of Christ in you? Do you know the love of Christ? Have you ever been so broken that you seek for love, try to give love only to find that you yourself are just half way full? Love is like a foreign language, if you have never learned it, it is complicated to speak. If you only know a little you can only give a little.

Consider filling up today. Come to know the love of Christ so you may give the love of Christ to others. Allow Christ in your heart. Give over the brokenness you hold inside and allow Him to just love on you, for you are precious in His sight.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fighting to Love

Guest Writer: Heddie J

I am told to love my neighbor as myself,
Lord this is hard and I really need your help.
My co-worker got on my nerves at work today,
It is just so hard to love her back when she’s this way.
Then my neighbor gave complete liberty to her dog,
He did his job with no problem all over my yard.
Going home in traffic today, this man cut in front of me,
Now tell me how I am to love these people back and be free.

As I really ponder this one, I could see Jesus just sharing His love as He moved along His way.

We are commanded first, to love. “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. The second commandment states, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. There is no other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:30-31).

In order to experience the art of giving or being in love; or rather, to “activate” love, we must first hand love over to God our Father. Before we can actually give love, we have to commit our heart, soul, mind and strength to doing so. We can not harbor hate, have a bad mind set or have our inner self doing what we think is right. While our mind, body and soul strengthen our desire to love, there still must be a connection with the Spirit of God. It is like the insertion of a key into the ignition of a car, causing it to start. Uniting our mind, body and soul with the Spirit of God sets fire to the art of giving and experiencing love freely.

What have you allowed into your heart that must come out? Are you refusing to let go of whatever causes you to cry out? Will you yield your will and change your mind for Christ? Consider your ways,in order to love and give love out, you must!

Let go of your problems in your mind.
Letting go will evict hate while you become more kind.
Find your strength within the Father as you learn to love, I promise – you will love as you should, for it will flow from above.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I Should Have Died, But God

An older woman fell down and broke her neck, lying in one position for twelve hours. A few weeks ago, I was told a 23 year old mother of two children had a stroke. Almost a month ago a friend of mine was having a stroke and did not know. Two months ago my cousin and his co-workers were on their way to work as their truck flipped over, everyone died, except for him.

As I reflect on how God has a purpose for all of our lives, my mind is captured by the Psalm of David. “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord uphold him with His hand,” Psalm 37:23-24.

Consider a parent directing their child and as the child follows directions the parent is happy. David was saying that God directs the righteous step by step, as a parent guides their child throughout the course of their life. When we fall down, either in sin or into trouble, God will not allow us to be reduced to rubble by our falls. We will not be ruined. Instead, I believe God releases angels to shield us as He defends and supports us with His hand because His plan will not be made void.

Interestingly, all four of the people mentioned previously are still alive. I can see God in my sanctified imagination holding the face of the woman who fell, sustaining the two who had a stroke, defending my cousin from death. I can see God getting their undivided attention to move to the next step so that His plan could move forward. Have you ever had a near death experience? Is it obvious why you did not die?

What plan has God directed for you? Do you feel like there is no point of preparing because you’re not making the money or you don’t have the support? Have you fallen or you can’t see through the forest? God has His hand there upholding you; He has not and will not let you go.

Consider not letting go of God but pressing forward, following His steps. Ask God to help you see His purpose. Pray that you yield to His plan. Thank Him for not letting you die when you could have, should have died. Thank Him that you can say “But God has a plan.”

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hallelujah! This Is Killing Me!

Guest Writer: Laquisha Craig

Difficult times can bring out the best or worse in you depending on your faith. How many times have you been in a difficult, painful or overwhelming situation and with great despair cry out "Oh Lord, please get me out of this! This is killing me!" Good news!!! You are absolutely right! It IS killing you! It's killing everything in you that is not like God.

In Jeremiah 18, the Lord leads the prophet Jeremiah to a Potter's house. There he sees the Potter molding clay. Verse 4 tells us that the vessel was “marred in the Potter’s hand, and he made it into a different vessel as seemed good to him to make it."

Because the clay was not yet what he desired, the Potter had to stop, and mold it again. The encouraging news in this Scripture is that although the vessel was flawed it remained in the Potter's hand. God asked a question: "O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this Potter? Look, as the clay is in the Potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel!" (v. 6) God wants to remove our faults and mold us into a beautiful vessel as we trust Him and rest in His hands.

Are you able to trust God in your painful, difficult place? Will you allow Him to mold you, no matter how hard or how long the process?

Consider the benefits of trusting God. There is a great exchange; your weakness for His strength, your worry for His peace, your confusion for His soundness of mind, your sadness for His joy, and your fear for faith from Him. It takes trust in GOD to be able to believe and receive God. Only the Spirit of God in you can respond to the things of God. He has to do away with your flesh so that He can get to Himself. So, the next time you feel like "it's killing you”... let it. God wants to reveal Himself in and to you. Embrace it, trust God and let your new declaration be: Thank You Lord! Hallelujah! This is killing ME! In order to be gold, we have to go through fire, for it destroys all impurities.

"O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this Potter? says the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the Potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel."
Jeremiah 18:6