A woman speaks out loud about her marriage saying, her husband "is at odds with her. He does not help her with what she aspires to do. He never compliments her." She goes on and on as a very unhappily married woman. She states, how she does not understand how a Christian man can be so into God but not into loving her. When asked if she goes to church with him her response is “every now and then, I’ll go because it’s really nothing there for me.” Or is it?
Many view marriage as a certificate that binds two people together. However, it is a public covenant between two people with God. As the economy is experiencing its many earth quakes some people will divorce for financial reasons and then you will have many that join for assuming financial security. Nonetheless, the list of marrying another can be enduring but until the couple starts to properly live out marriage in the terms of a covenant relationship they will not get the fulfillment of being married.
To be married in covenant with God is to obey the hierarchy which God created. It is to be in submission to what the Lord has to say about marriage. When visiting the scripture we see the importance of the wife aligning with the Lord about marriage. In addition, you will discover how honoring the wife will answer the prayers of the husband.
“Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered”(1Peter3:6-7).
Are you thinking your spouse is the reason your relationship is sour? Maybe your relationship is experiencing a mud slide at this time. Perhaps your relationship has lightning every now and then. How is your marriage today? Have you wondered when will I get to the benefits of marriage? When will the happy days begin?
The unhappy married woman was able to dissect the issues she had with her husband but she could not come to terms with what was her role in the down fall of her marriage. This woman did not understand to get to her husband; she would need to follow him to church. Not because every once in a while she felt like going. Not because every once in a while they were going to be singing her favorite song but because winning the heart of her husband could be found in the house of the Lord.
Don’t be fooled by the storms in your relationship, for they could be used to bring you closer or distract you from bringing unity in your relationship. Pray to God to help you honor your spouse. Ask God to bring your relationship with your spouse closer to Him so you may grow happily married. Seek the Father about your marriage and then it shall be altered.
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