Thursday, November 19, 2009

Suffering for His Sake

I can recall a movie that I saw in which there was a scene about a husband who could not maintain a job that would provide for his family’s day to day survival. The wife became fed up with hearing excuses day after day as to why her family could not have “this or that.” Finally, she left her husband and son behind, refusing to suffer because of what she considered a selfish decision made by her husband. She journeyed one way to pursue happiness as the son and father journeyed another direction, also in pursuit of happiness.

This movie reminds me of the journey that we as Christians have in life. There are certain aspects of life that everyone must face – temptation, affliction, discouragement. The Apostle Paul wrote “For thy sake we are killed all the daylong; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter,” (Romans 8:36).

This Scripture is saying that God’s faithful people will continually face trials for His sake as the enemy daily and unceasingly seeks our destruction. It is during these hard times that we must look above our troubles and to God; believing that though the enemy is allowed to test us, he has no real power over us. Power belongs to God.

What temptation are you experiencing right now? Are you being afflicted? Do you feel discouraged? Perhaps you are suffering or possibly you know someone who is going through right now.

The father and son mentioned previously, experienced much hardship. Living in a hotel, sleeping in a train’s station restroom and when they could, a shelter. This father knew that there was more to life and he was determined to suffer in whatever way necessary – even while caring for his son—in order to get to happiness. Do you have that same type of determination for the cause of Christ?

Consider finding comfort in the midst of your situation while meditating on the Word of God, and seek to be content. Call upon our heavenly Father to restrain you from seeking relief by any sinful manner. Let Him mold you into the person He has already equipped you to be. Ask the Lord to give you strength and help you face each day. Pray to God that you will not beat yourself up during your time of destitution. Remember “If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you,” 1( Peter 4:14).


Heddie J. said...

It is worth every moment of persecution, back-stabbing conversation, untruthful moments or whatever the enemy would and could throw at you. Persecution should be a complimnet from the adversary. It states that you are on the right track, you are a threat to his establishment and you are defineatly doing the right thing. Continue to stand on the word of God for righteousness sake. In the end, the reward would be far more than you could ever imagine. Don't doubt or wave truth for in the end, every work will be tested by fire. What part of your work will stand in the end because you stood up for righteousness while being ridiculed.

Jamila said...

Amen Heddie,
What we as people have to understand is how to look at our situations in life with our spiritual eyes. Even when we mess up God is merciful, the more stubborn we are ne delay seeing the true essence of what is going on.