Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Hit

Over Thirty days has passed since the new year began. The other morning I woke up in cheer. I quickly came to find that a huge and unexpected change had taken place in regards to this organization. This change makes it necessary to alter the immense plans for this year.

As I became aware of the change it was as if a shadow was starting to huddle around me, but as my eyes filled with tears, I began to remember what the Lord had done in 2009. I remembered how He took me out of the box that I shelled myself in, how He made a way out of no way. I recalled how He caused me to do things I never imagined and everything flowed because it was all Him activated within me. All of a sudden my confidence started popping like pop corn.

Instantly, I could see Peter in my mind that moment the disciples were in a boat. It was early in the morning and the boat was far from land as the water was roaring. Jesus stood a bit off on top of the water and started walking towards the disciples.

Initially they were scared but Jesus spoke saying, “"Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid," "Lord, if it's You," Peter replied, "tell me to come to You on the water." "Come," He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink cried out, "Lord, save me!" Matthew 14:27-30.

Jesus had just fed over 5000 people, with little of nothing. As I continued thinking about my change my mind recalled more of how the Lord had just blessed me, giving me favor to do things far beyond my imagination.

I declared that moment “I am not going to call out to the Lord to come get me; I am not going to sink, because I have dominion to move forward.” When I got the news about the change it was as if the water was raising and wind was blowing. Yet, as I looked at the Lord’s creditability I could see this change was from HIM. He was standing there in the midst of my situation saying “Take courage, It is I don’t be afraid.” I don’t know how things are going to all work out, but I know God has taken care of it.

Today, someone else experiencing a change and the reality is it is a test of your faith: The Lord is standing right there in your situation. This is crunch time in your first quarter, show thyself approved.

Have you been hit with a major, unexpected change? Do you feel like after the first quarter your life has taken a turn? Maybe today you have been told you don’t have what you thought you had to get to where you need to go. Perhaps you lost all your possessions, or your marriage is on shaky ground and this thing called Doubt is over you like a shadow. Are you Peter crying out “Lord save me” or are you rooted in your faith saying the “The Lord is on my side.”

Consider using the two edged sword of God’s Word, allowing it to cut away low self-confidence. Don’t allow the enemy to get between you and the Father. Call upon the Lord to help you focus when the wind is coming towards you. Ask God to keep you and then rest assured that He will. “I will say of the Lord ‘He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. (Psalm 91:2)


Sister Imani said...

The Lord is our Refuge, and as our Creator helps us to deal with daily problems in our lives and throughout the world. Change comes to us in so many ways, and often we ignore it, resist it, and most certainly miss our blessings.How do we touch the heart of those who are blind to their God-Given Gifts-to the essence of their True Being? God often speaks to us through others and the wonders of our world. A gentle touch,a beautiful sunset, a warm smile,an encouraging word,or even a poem can spark positive change. Your words offer Wisdom and Hope. In the Beginning was the Word...

Jamila said...

Your Comment brightened my heart. Your very name means Faith so I took it on a deepeer level as I read your reply. Simple things mean so much, I just pray we all get it.

Anonymous said...


This is JUST what I needed to read tonight. My strength has taken a turn for the not-better, but I wil rise above it, b/c God's track record w/ me is phenomenal.

Be blessed and favored!