Many people are graduating during this time. It is a time for a new phase for many. For some this is a moment they have been mapping in their head for years yet after the graduation what is there.
I remember being in middle school and I had every intention to leave home. I worked hard to make sure that nothing would get in the way from me graduating and going off to college.
Interestingly, I spent six years contemplating to go to college but beyond college was not something I considered, as a teenage girl. I was not living under the awareness of the shortness and uncertainty of life. As the time drew closer for me to conclude college I thought I would continue the path that I had already began in writing in journalism. Nevertheless, life hit me and I went through a spell. I was held up in traffic for seven years trying to figure out what do I do next.
As I reminisce, my mind is captured by the expression that Moses said, “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom,” Psalms 90:12.
This text points out the urgency for us to understand the discipline of prioritizing the days of our life. The statement "number our days" communicates putting in order, arranging the use of time.
Our days are numbered and we should take time in prioritizing those days to make sure we are marching towards our destiny and not away from our purpose.
The next point that is made is it says “that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom,” This phrase means to bring our souls, our inner being near wisdom of religious affairs, skill, war or ethical matters.
Each day we must arrange order within our days to good purpose, the divine appointed purpose for us and have our hearts engaged to the wisdom of our heavenly Father.If our days are prioritized then we can reflect on our works and compare them with our days. Maybe you have a child that is graduating. Perhaps you are the person graduating or moving to another phase in your life and you are mulling over, “What should I do now?”
Have you taken time to write the vision? Do you have a business plan laid out so that as you move about your days, you can evaluate your time, accomplishments and mistakes?
Consider not wasting four years, six years only anticipating getting a degree or completing a training course. However, think beyond the degree or certificate and insert time to apply seeking the wisdom of God to order each and every day of your life to complete the very purpose you are created for. Pray to God to help you not live for the moment but an eternal life. Ask God to help you live by faith and get wisdom and understanding. “Do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light,” Romans 13:11-12.
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