Thursday, November 6, 2008


A person is about to loose their job and the bills are still flowing in. This person applies for many jobs: jobs they like and even jobs they don’t like, hoping to continue to provide for the family. When the person is called for an interview they pray to get the job. Yet during the interview this person is silently thinking, “I need a job but, I don’t do windows. I need to pay my mortgage but, I don’t clean toilets. I need to pay my bills but, I don’t keep kids. Oh no, this is not for me.”

My attention is intrigued with the apostle impressing how the Spirit helps us in our time of weakness. “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express” (Romans 8:26).

Have you ever longed for something but did not know how to get what you needed? Maybe you have prayed for a job but had preconditions when the offer was given. Perhaps you don’t recognize that your request is being answered because it is not on the silver platter you wanted.

The Holy Spirit negotiates for us with groans. As the Holy Spirit is interceding on our behalf He is expressing the deep desire for the full understanding of what is being hoped for. When the Spirit is mediating for us He speaks directly in agreement with God’s will. Our mind cannot comprehend the words spoken to God.

How is your prayer life today? Is your desire so deep that you don’t know where to begin before the Lord? Are you giving preconditions to the Lord?

Don’t allow your preconditions to condition you. Consider the Holy Spirit placing the right prayers in your heart. Pray to God that you silence yourself before His presence. Ask God to send the Spirit to speak with groans that words cannot express. “He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will” (Rom 8:27).

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