One of my aunts is allergic to ants. There was an occasion she was so determined to move a flower that she sacrificed the one thing she knew she was allergic to. This ant bed formed in it was stopping new growth of her flower which she loved. She contemplated a while about what to do because saving the flower would mean hurting herself. However, one day she decided she would suffer a moment if it meant saving her flower.
My aunt’s feet and legs were swollen; she had a fever and discoloration for several days. Nonetheless, her plant lived in its new location as vibrant as ever.
When I see my aunts in the yard I continue to be reminded of the scripture, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).
My aunts are punctual to laboring in their yards. They rush to tend to their garden without question. Although this verse is directed to pastors it is vital for all because God has all appointed everyone with a certain gift to minister to others.
As I reflect on my aunts I am encouraged to make every effort to tend to the gift which God has placed in my heart. There will be times that I might have to sacrifice myself or time to shy myself approved.
When Jacob went on his journey, he saw Rachel. He thought how beautiful I must seek her. He made arrangements with her father, “Jacob loved Rachel; and said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter” (Genesis 29:18).
However, Jacob was deceived by her father. After seven years Laban gave his oldest daughter Leah to him to marry. Interestingly, Jacob labored another seven years until he received the one he loved. I imagine those seven years went by fast to Jacob. Each year he focused on how much closer he was getting to the one he loved.
Jacob was willing to go after his desire by any means. This is the same desire Christ desires us to long for our gift. What are you willing to sacrifice to show your self approved? How can you show your self approved to God? Will you labor for seven years? If it calls for another seven years will you make every effort to hurry and be diligent doing your best to attain the one thing God placed you here to do.
Don’t could your mind with how long it will take. Look towards the goal. Ask God to give you the strength for the long run. Pray that you be focused with confidence to show yourself approved. Call upon the Lord to help you be quick and don’t delay another minute. “Instead of being lazy, you will imitate those who are inheriting the promises through faith and patience” (Hebrews 6:12).
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