Wednesday, December 3, 2008

God In Me

Things in my life have been very unusual. I have a conference right around the corner and the publishing of my book is almost exactly a month away and every distraction has arrived at my front door, some are even trying to come in my room.

I told my husband, I needed God the other day. As I continued with more distraction popping up I realized, I had the power to not allow such distractions use me as a puppet on a string. I decided I must press on and allow the God in me to move about.

This process I am going through is a growing phase. When I was younger in my faith I would not rely on the God in me to move. In fact, I questioned if I could press on. I got irritated and told myself “I need to rest; this is straining me too much.” However, today I am rearranging things in my life. I am not looking for 12 hours of sleep, I am content with 6.

As I study the scripture “leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity” (Hebrews 6:1). It is clear to me that I must press on and continue to grow and allow the God in me to push me through and knock the distractions out the way.

Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:12-13).

Paul is saying carry out your salvation. Salvation is victory over sin. Stop rebelling against what the Lord has told you to do and move in the direction He is charging you to go.

He is not going to tell me to go the same way as you but the conduct and manner that we go is the same. Our experiences are different but goal is the same, glorifying His name. As you are going through growing pains know that you will have some challenges but it is up to you to grow up.

Allow a change in your life today. The year is ending, don’t you desire a change. Ask God to point you in the direction He wants you to go and help you follow. Pray to God to give you strength and allow the God in you to take over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greater is He that is in me... I don't know of anyone who likes to experience pain, and growing pains can be especially tough. Though painful as it may be sometimes it is necessary to move us to the next level. I thank God that I am not alone and as often as I try in my own strength and fail He is right there. Thank you for the encouragement and the reminder even in the midst of your struggle, to allow the God in me to take over.

My prayers for you to continue on the path God has set forth for you and know as sure as you stand the enemy will try to attack (For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:2 Cor 10:3 (KJV)) And as the Word continues it let's us know that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal...God is in you, continue with the praise, the testimonies, prayer, fasting, pleading the blood of and calling on the name of Jesus. Another testimony is just around the corner.

Good Bless and much love!
