Monday, August 3, 2009

Adding To Your Heart Desires

A grandmother wanted her children to come by and just sit with her once a day. She wanted the company of her children but none of them would slow down to come and talk to her. They would bring her food and gifts and drive off. Her granddaughter would cry every weekend and make a big fuss because she wanted to go see her grandmother. So she would convince her parents every weekend to go over her grandmother’s house. While she was there they would just talk as she brushed her long, wavy, gray, silky, hair. The grand mother would give her a dollar each time she came and cleaned her living room. Her mother would always tell her to give it back to her grandmother but the grandmother would always manage to put it back in her bag.

When the grandmother died all the children gathered to hear the details of the will. She left money to the church, gave different possessions to the children, but she left aside something far more great to her granddaughter. The will stated “for countless hours of weekend, after weekend, for spending time with me, I leave you my house and $ 1 million.”

I am reminded of the Psalm which David encourages the righteous to Delight in the Lord (Psalm 37:4). Delighting in the Lord involves spending intimate time with the Father; it’s no telling what miraculous miracle He has a waiting for you. But you have to spend time with Him. Blessing the food at the dinner table is not enough. Showing up on Sunday is not enough; your life style has to be built around a life time of dates with the Father.

David declares for us to commit our way to Him, trust in him, and he will act (Psalm 37:5). When we dedicate our self to Him, we display our trust to Him. As a result He does supply all needs (Philippians 4:19).

Are you willing to trust the Lord? Will you stay away from the thoughts of doing something quick that’s not legit? Can you dwell where He says to dwell? Are you willing to feed on faithfulness so you can enjoy what He has for you?

Consider spending more time with our heavenly Father. Become monogamous with God. Maybe you have been having a part time affair with the Lord hanging out with Him on Sunday and Monday and doing your own thing Tuesday through Saturday. Paul tells us we have a choice through believing and accepting the promises of God we should choose the right path (2 Corinthians 7:1). For those of you that are living in hell and you’re tired of running out in the world, wondering “when will I be free from this curse” I encourage you to commit your ways to the Lord. Choose the will of the Lord so He may add to your heart desires.