Friday, October 31, 2008

Still Small Voice

The other day a lady said, “Well how does my friend hear from God but I don’t. Why is God talking to her but not me?”

She revealed, her anger lead her to inquire to God to hear Him as her friend heard Him. It wasn’t long after her prayer that she began hearing a still voice from the Lord.

I recall when Elijah heard a still small voice. After Jezebel told Ahab about Elijah slaying the (false) prophets a messenger went out to him.

“Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by to morrow about this time,(1 Kings 19:2).

Elijah was in fear and ran for his life. He journeyed in the wilderness and wished to die. He felt like he was fed up and couldn’t take it anymore. “And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat,” (1Kings19:5).

A second time the angel came and told him to get up and eat. He had much work to do and his time for rest was over. It was time for Elijah to have strength and sleeping was not going to prepare him for his journey.

God instructed him to stand upon the mount. As he stood at the mount the Lord passed Him, a strong wind charged the mountains, rocks broke, “but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice,” (1Kings19:11, 12).

This story of Elijah is vital. It shows us that there is a time for rest and a time to get up. He was fed and the place God told him to meet him was not a place of silence. There was much commotion going on but in the midst of all the noise, all the uproar there was a still voice. That still voice was the voice of the Lords’.

God sent an angel twice to get Elijah up. Have you been cautioned to get up? What turmoil is going on in your life today?

Maybe you can’t hear from God today, because of your earthquake. Perhaps you are in the fire now and you are not listening. The lady got angry when she could not hear from God, she then inquired of the Lord to perceive sound from Him. Elijah was in fear and called on the Lord to hear his voice. How are your emotions rattling to get you to tune your listening skills?

The same God that spoke to Elijah is speaking today. Pray to God that you listen to Him. Ask God to help you drown out the chaos so you may pay attention to His still small voice. Beseech to the Lord that your emotional tension and physical weariness doesn’t bring on depression but tenacity to hear Gods’ still small voice.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Sometimes I am at a complete loss about which testimony to share in my writings. I pray to God and wait for His directions because my desire is to write about what is satisfactory to Him.

Interestingly, each time I find myself waiting He is always on time. While waiting, I’ll read my Bible and get an idea that germinates in my head. Once that thought takes root to the scripture I am reading, it evolves from there.

My process of knowing what to write is the same procedure Jesus taught the disciples to pray. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you,” (Matthew 7:7).

When I get puzzled, I pray to God asking Him for direction as of what to do next. I seek the Word by reading my Bible. Once I get to the scripture God wants me to inflate a thought burst in my mind, and then it is clear as of what to do next.

Are you wondering, “What do I do from here?” Maybe you have been struggling because you lack asking, as a result you don’t receive because you never sought to find. Possibly a change for counsel is in place for your concern.

Are you seeking the Father? Did you consider praying to just hear what God has to say about your situation? Time after time do you find yourself repeating and never moving in the forward position? Have you been riding around in reverse?

Perhaps you should take hold of the steering wheel change gears and ask of God. Pray right now about your situation. Ask God to help you not delay another minute. Call upon the Lord to give you direction and a sense to control the distractions so you may hear His voice. “For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened," (Matthew 7:8).

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Face Your Fear

The other day my daughter saw a spider in her room. She ran crying a spider, a spider is in my room. Typically, her younger brother goes to kill the spiders she sees but this time I told him to leave her alone and let her kill the spider herself. She stood there in tears saying, “I’m afraid of the spider.” I told her she had to face her fear.

She pleaded, “Mommy I can’t, and what if it bites me.” My reply was, “What if you kill it.” With her tears and shoe in one hand she went after the spider but when it was over she was cheering of her victory.

As I thought of her issue, I considered David going out before the Philistines. “When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over all Israel, they went up in full force to search for him, but David heard about it and went out to meet them,” (1 Chron14:8).

David had a full army looking for him and he went out to them. The size of their army did not concern him, David had confidence. To me this speaks highly of David’s character. He is saying here I am, you don’t have to look for me, here I am.

My daughter’s concern was a spider. David’s dilemma was the Philistines both issues had to be dealt with. Maybe you are in a tight spot in your life today. Perhaps you have to choose to go up against your problem.

Have you been scared to move forward because of its capabilities? Are you looking at yourself to get you through? Or are you seeking God for victory?

Don’t tremble in tears of fears of your issue. Consider asking God to intervene in your situation. Pray to God that you have confidence to take a stand in your situation. Make a request for God to be with you through your storm. For if you seek you shall find.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Let God

This past summer I felt lead to put a family reunion together. I was pregnant in another state and I was supposed to figure out how to join a group of people that were in bliss with one another. Many were feuding over things another did to them 20 years ago.

Yet, I stayed focus on the task and as a result they joined together. It was a beautiful sight.

Thinking of it now, I am reminded of Noah. God spoke to Noah telling him, “make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out,” (Gen6:14).When he was told to build the ark his condition was: previously, he did not know how to build an ark, there had not been any rain prior, he was to store food for his family and the animals. Additionally, the ark was to be big enough to join all different kinds of animals which under any other circumstance would have been out to eat each other or attack the humans. For this act God made a covenant with Noah (Gen6:18).

Noah like me had a condition and bizarre situation when God set us out to complete a task. For my family it was impossible to join people who had held grudges with each other for so many years. With my pregnancy it was eccentric for me to consider traveling across the state, late in my pregnancy, uncomfortable for 14-16 hours in a car with three children, to join with non-cooperative people.

This task for me was unimaginable. I can only believe for Noah his task was unimaginable. To others he looked like a fool doing something that appeared to be impossible.

As I was planning this task, people told me to forget about it, no one will come, I was told to stop because no one else was helping me, I can just hear the distasteful comments Noah heard when God told him to prepare for the rain. When Noah went out pursuing his task he was full with God’s spirit.

As I sought out to prepare this reunion I was filled with the Holy Spirit. I had to be prayed up every step of the way. Each time a decision was made I sought the Lord. If I came to a time of the unknown I left it in His hands. Before Jesus was betrayed He prayed, “The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one. I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me,” (John17:22-23).

My task was for my family to become one with the Creator. My family had lost touch of Jesus. Many in the world have lost sight that Jesus was sent here so that they may have eternal life.

Has God given you a task this day? Have you been told do a task yet you can’t get beyond your condition? We all have the task of winning souls.

Maybe you keep thinking you can’t do it. Possibly, you are being used so others ma be able to identify that it was the Lord all along. Perhaps you have people telling you it can’t be done, but God. As along as there is but God there is a way.

The story of Noah is beautiful because like my family, all those that were supposed to come joined together. My relatives like the animals were not fussing, instead a father joined with his children who’d after so many years been stricken to see each other. Siblings reunited after the death of the mother. A mother who secluded her self, after her oldest and youngest sons died united with her relatives. A grandmother saw her grandchildren, children’s playing together. Family joined in worship to be reminded of the savior.

Consider yielding yourself to the Father. Leap out on faith because of your situation. Pray to God for strength to simply yield yourself so you can be used by Him. Ask God to lead you today. Call upon to Lord to switch your focus of your condition to nothing but God. For all things are possible through Christ, (Phil 4:13.)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Stop Aborting Me

The other day my pastor was speaking about abortions. He said, "Church folk commit spiritual abortions on other church folk daily.” Perhaps you are saying, "Oh no,"but I can relate. Possibly you will also.

His comment jogged my memory, to when I was teaching at one church in a certain area and I was placed in another area. No one explained why. As a result I discontinued teaching at that church.

I was offended it was as if the church folk at that church went inside me and snatched what I knew God called me to do.

Each of us shall give account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or cause to fall in our brother’s way,”(Rom 14:12-13).

When I was moved with no explanation nothing was resolved. My stumbling block was so high I couldn’t figure this area of my life. For a while, I felt less of a person. I start feeling I should stop serving at that particular church. In time, I was teaching at another church. I never could understand what occurred at the church I stopped teaching at. My calling to teach was killed with no explanation. I viewed myself not worthy to do the work of the Lord. Had we talked the situation out I believe things would have been resolved. Instead, I felt judged by church folk.

Is that not how the abortion works? The baby begins to grow and before the baby can truly form into a baby the aborting kills the child, with no explanation. Perhaps the mother walks around in despair not understanding that area in her life, feeling less of a woman, less worthy to one day be a mother, feeling judged.

She might even start a relationship with another to get her back on path to being a complete person. No one knows what the person who had the abortion thinks or feels. No one knows what the child would have been when aborting occurs, but God.

What is your view of abortion? Have you only considered abortion as of killing a child? A child is a gift from God, just as the talents He gives you upon birth. Is abortion not, snatching the life out of someone, destroying what God created that could have been?

People are always going to talk about you, judge you and reject you; however, did they not reject Jesus. Maybe you feel spiritually aborted of your gift. Perhaps you have left one church because someone offended you, a friend or family member. Or you did the aborting.

Consider not questing serving God because of how someone has treated you. Our God can restore you and stop the aborting. God can deliver you from bloodguiltiness (Ps 51 : 14).Ask God to shake the dust from your feet. Rely on God to hinder the aborting of your servitude, of your worshiping, of your gift. Pray to the lord that you keep serving Him in spite of what others might say or do? Call upon the Lord to give you a heart of forgiving. Don’t let the rocks out shout you.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Don't Get Caught Up

When I was younger this couple I knew was on the urge of a divorce. The woman was upset because she felt her life was lacking because of her husband. She was very disrespectful to her husband and we knew it was a matter of time before her husband would respond to her actions. Her actions were as if she was superior to him. The one thing she did that got to him the most was making financial decisions without him.

Once he was preparing to pay the bills and when he checked their account $1000 was missing. The husband was furious. He approached his wife and she free from care responded, “Oh, I bought myself some boats, they were on sale.” “On sale,” the man said disturbingly, “on sale for whom, not us! That money was for rent.”

In due time, this couple separated because of her desire to spend grew to an extreme. Splurging money can break up a home and cause despair.

There is a parable that tells of a man whose heart treasure was of material things. "There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, 'Father, give me my share of the estate.' So he divided his property between them,” (Luke 15:12).

After getting his share this son set off to a far away country. He lived doing things his way and spent all his money. Once he spent everything, there was a famine. It is interesting that when he used up all his money, then something detrimental occurred; but isn’t it always that way. As the famine was going on the man “began to be in need,” (Luke 15:14.)

He went to work in a pig sty. He was so hungry that, “He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything,” (Luke 15:16).

Then he realized he should return home. He set out to go back home and ask his dad, if he would hire him as a servant. "The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son,” (Luke 15:21). However, the father embraced him and celebrated the retuning of his son.

The young boy and father, like the married couple, remained together. It was after separation that the woman was able to see she had sinned against the Lord. Sometimes a person can get so caught up in blaming others for their situation that they lack seeing they are being disrespectful. This woman like the young man placed wealth superior to God. They looked for wealth to give them joy and fix their problems.

What do you look at to help you through the bad times? When a famine comes do you look to what you used to have financially or do you know that you have a friend in God? Are you asking man to do what only God can do? Have you been selfish only thinking of yourself?

Having money is a wonderful thing yet not being in control is what causes division. Ask God to help you focus back to Him. Pray to the Lord to restore what your actions have catered to destroying. Call upon the Lord to forgive you for being disrespectful, to not only the Lord but your loved ones. Ask the Lord to help you be respectful, so others may know you are His child. “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, in their eagerness to get rich, have wandered away from the faith and caused themselves a lot of pain,” (1 Timothy 6:10).

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Don't Settle

When I was growing up, I witnessed a relative of mine experience loosing their job. When they lost their job it appeared as if they lost all hope. This person settled for their life as a roller coaster. It was as if they said, “Well things have gotten bad and they will never get any better. So I am just going to sit here and wait until I die.” Till this day this person is just waiting to die. They have secluded them self from all that is inspiring and just sit in pity, day after day.

As my life progressed and I got older, I too encountered a bad situation. I lost my job; felt rejected and believed I had no reason to try to pursue writing any more. I had a pity party for too many years.

Then one day, I start feeling like I was loosing my mind. I was angry, I longed to be happy but I was still residing in pity land. From my past experience, I realized I had two choices, I could sit at home and be as my relative that is just waiting to die or I can get up and try. I had nothing to loose.

The world is compiled with many people who settle. A person who has lost their house in a storm has settled and decided to not work any more because they lost their home. A person whose business plan went sour decided to not put a new plan in place has settled and as a result is unhappy. A person who didn’t marry their high school sweetheart has settled and unhappy unmarried. Many people are allowing drastic situations to cause them to settle.

There were four men who had leprosy and said, "Why stay here until we die? If we say, 'We'll go into the city'-the famine is there, and we will die. And if we stay here, we will die. So let's go over to the camp of the Arameans and surrender. If they spare us, we live; if they kill us, then we die," (2 Kings 7:3-4).

These men concluded that they should take a risk because no matter what they did they faced the possibility of dying. They suggested since we are going to die, let’s go out trying.

Have you had a something drastic happen to you? Do you feel no matter what you do you are cursed? Are you settling or are you moving forward? It is when you move forward God will lead you.

Everyday people are challenged by how they can move forward with the attack of being pulled back. Perhaps you are refusing to move because you have become settled. Maybe it appears as if things will never get better so you are just waiting for the hour to clock out. Consider not laying around in a vegetate mode, throw down your crutches, change gears and shift.

Don’t settle as the rest, allow God to ignite you. Pray to God that you move so He may guide you. Ask the Lord to give you clear understanding that it is okay to move forward. For, “the one who finds his life will lose it and the one who loses his life because of me will find it," (Mat 10:39).

Friday, October 10, 2008

Leave to Cleave

A son was talking to his father and he says, “Dad when I get older I’m going to be just like you.” The father says, “Son, I want you to grow and be your own man.” The son replies, “Well dad, can I work where you work and live with you?” The father responds, “Son, you have to be able to provide for your family some day. I want you to have more for your self than me and be more than I am. Plus, I am training you up so will depart.” The son says with a glooming stare upon his face, “Dad, I don’t want to leave?” “You don’t have to leave, but depart from my house you must,” says the dad with a smile.

My father used to tell me very often as a child I am training you so you can grow up and leave my house. I never knew until I got older that he got that statement from the bible. "That is why a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh,” (Eph 5:31).

When a child leaves home they are still under the influence of the ways of their parents. I recall early in my marriage, I brought up what my dad would do as if I was married to my dad. I had to go through growing pains to grow to become one with my husband. I had to leave my parents way of doing things and cleave into this new way of doing things in my new life.

Today some people have left the house physically but their state of mind is still clinging to the way of their parents. Many don’t understand, “Why can’t I get married or why does this marriage not work?”

Perhaps it is because they are not willing to leave their parents’ way and grow into a new way with their mate.

It’s okay to desire to be like your parents from some aspect but you are still required to leave. When you leave it is not wise to dwell physically at another location but reside mentally in your parents’ house. If not your mate will not married to you yet your parents.

Do you sometimes wonder, "Why can’t my spouse be like my Dad?" Are you hoping your mate will do things as your mother? Maybe you are seeking too much of your parents and not the one you are with.

Consider letting go of what you no longer need. Allow yourself to be molded by our heavenly Father. Ask God to help you accept your mate as they are. Pray that you love them for who they are and not who you want them to be. For once you finally leave behind your parents ways then you can cleave to new ways with your mate.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Stop Confusion

A few years ago, I went to my husband and said, “I want to get my book published.” I was happy and he said, "Great do it." I called a few companies and I was impressed with the superior package they offered. When they start talking about the fee it was as if all confusion set in. I went back to tell my husband hoping he could give me clarity. He told me my issue was I was leaping too far; I had to crawl before I walked and I became upset. I only wanted what I wanted, even though I was confused along the way.

This scenario brings to mind the story of the “Tower of Babel”. They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth."

“But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other," (Gen 11:3-7).

No matter how high a person thinks they are your elevation never supersedes the Lord. God came down to see the tower they were building. When He came down he brought confusion with Him so they could not complete their task.

When I was talking to the publishing company about publishing my book several years ago confusion came about. The guy laid out a quote and because I could only see that superior package being the way to go, I was put down in my steps. It was not meant for me to go such route and confusion came about.

When the men built a tower God interrupted their plan. Have you had any of your plans interrupted by God? Does it seem as if when you feel like your getting closer you tumble further back? These men that were building a tower were only thinking of making a name for them self. Their blue print was not in line with Gods’ blue print.

What does your blue print say? Is your outline in line with the will of God is it self-determining of God?

Consider humbling yourself and let God take control. Ask God what is your purpose here on earth. Pray to God to forgive you for being arrogant, and pushing His will aside. Call upon the Lord to use you. Ask him to help you focus on elevating Him, using His blue print and not yours. It is when we submit to His will then we can complete the task we were designed for.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Aspire More of God

The other day my son was so excited, he said in a bubbly manner, “I am going to go to the same college Daddy went to and work at the same place Daddy works when I get older.” I responded cheerfully saying,” You really love your Dad.”

His actions made me think of when I used to hear this older woman pray in church. As she prayed I would get chill bumps. I recalled telling her, “I want to grow up and pray just like you.” She would jubilantly say “bless you my child.” Each time she prayed I had a warm feeling inside. Some people look at others and aspire to be like them in an unhealthy manner but there are some cases a person can wish to be as another in a healthy manner.

When Paul desired to visit Rome, he wanted to see the people because of their great faith. Paul wanted to be encouraged and he knew if he could just be in their presence he would be strengthened. “For I am longing to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong,” (Rom 1:11).

Paul desired more of God. Paul desired for the people to impart some spiritual gift to him. He wanted them to share with liberality their gift to help strengthen him in the Lord.

Maybe you have heard a person pray and said, “I wish I could pray just like that person.” Perhaps you have heard someone preach and said, “I wish I could preach just like that person.” If you have, your appetite is increasing for more of God. God brings himself to us through the lives and talents of others.

I imagine that my husband is being used to mold my sons' view about being a man of God. He sees his father on Sundays worshiping the Lord. My son sees him providing for his family, he has seen his father’s degrees from college. I envision when he looks at his father he sees his strengths and says, “What a strong man, I too want to be like him.” As my son is growing impartation is taking place.

Who are you striving to be like? Are you looking to be as Jesus? When you hear someone speak in a negative manner do you wish to speak as them? As you look at TV do you aspire to be as those that decrease or uplift the name of the Father?

Perhaps God is using someone in your life today to grow you. As God brings people in your life it is not to belittle you and make you feel less of a Christian; yet, it is to increase your desire of God. The Lord desires to strengthen you. He will send one who is stronger to help build you stronger in the Lord. As this takes place the Lord’s life is being increased.

Allow God to be multiplied, as you look at others ask God what strength I can impart from them. Instead of considering envy, reflect on growing closer to the Lord. Pray to God that you are humbled so you may see the true essence of your growth in the Lord. Ask God to help you display strengths so you may help build the glory of the Lord.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Serve God, Serving Them

A woman puts the children to sleep, has made her self ready for bed and gathered all her bible study material to study for the night. In walks her husband, whom had a bad day and begins to talk to her; never noticing what she was initially doing.

A man takes the day off to spend it with his family. As the day starts his phone is like a non stop alarm sounding off. His co-workers call him over and over to seek his council to orderly follow procedures for an accident that has occurred at his job.

Both people have responsibilities in both spheres. For the woman she must choose between studying the bible and being a help meet to her husband. The husband has to choose between spending the day with his family and spending the day making sure he keeps his job thus providing adequate food, clothing, and shelter for his family.

Serving God and family is not an easy task. It is interesting that people so often forget how one can feel as if they are playing tug-a-war by attempting to process who do I serve first.

A husband has concerns of the world. His concern is – how he can please his wife, leaving his interest divided… (1 Cor 7:33-34).

A husband has the responsibility of providing the needs for the family. He must have a job to properly ensure sufficient food, clothing, and shelter for the family. Additionally, he must please his wife, by spending time with her and encouraging her to keep her happy and fulfilled. Concurrently, he must be a role model and father to his children. Does this further drain his time and energy he must deliver serving our heavenly Father?

Likewise for the wife, her concern is – how can she please her husband, leaving her interest divided… (1Cor 7:34c).

The responsibility of a wife can pull her away from kingdom work. Today women are asked to work not only at the house but out side the house to help pay for bills. She still has to please her husband, by listening to him when he needs an ear, uplifting him when he feels low; making sure he is happy and fulfilled. Parallel to that she must be a supervisor of the condition of the house, caregiver, prepare meals, teacher, full time mother and role model to the children. Does this further drain her time and energy she must deliver serving our heavenly Father?

A married couple can still serve the Lord. Have you felt that you can’t serve God because you don’t have time to study the bible? Do you think you can’t serve God because you have to go to work on the Sabbath? God knows your condition. He is aware that both husband and wife will have divided loyalties.

Do not consume yourself by taking score of “how many things you can do to serve God over another person”. Allow God to show you His order of your family. Pray to God that you seek Him when you feel overwhelmed with what to do. Ask the Lord to order your steps and you follow His steps so you may serve Him diligently. It is when we serve our family we are serving God.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Keep Your Promise

While I was pregnant I met with a person to help make arrangements to help tend to some of the things I would not be able to tend to after my surgery. After I came home from the hospital, I contacted the person so we could agree on a day for the help to start. This person said, “Okay.”

A couple of days later, I got a disturbing phone call that were false allegations. As a result, all those that were supposed to help never were able to because a lie was told.

I was very hurt. I knew it was an attack, I prayed to God because I knew I was in no condition to tend to those obligations that my help would have tended to. I also prayed to God to help me stay focus on Him. I knew I could loose it all based on one person that lied.

This situation reminds me of the story of Ananias and Sapphira. The people of Jerusalem were facing a hard time. The people prayed and all those that had wealth committed to help those that were in need.

“And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need,”(Acts 4:33-37).

“But a man named Ananias, with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property, and with his wife’s knowledge he kept back for himself some of the proceeds and brought only a part of it and laid it at the apostles’ feet. But Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of the land? While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? Why is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God," (Acts 5:1-5).

Like the people of Jerusalem, I was in need of help not only physically but spiritually. I was in pain trying to do what this person committed to do.

Today, many people lie with the intent to glorify themselves. Ananias and Sapphira’s problem was they promised to give some money to help meet the needs of those that needed help. It was a bad time for them. As a result, the people needs were not met and they suffered. Ananias and Sapphira dropped dead for such lie.

God does not deal lightly to those that lie and cause others to suffer. It is not for us to “bear false witness against our neighbor,” (Ex 20:16). When God blesses one He intends for that person to share their blessing with another.

Have you ever had someone lie to you? Have you ever suffered because someone lied to you? How do you respond when someone lies to you? Do you consider taking what they promised or do you pray to the Lord? Do you consider revenge or do you pray to God?No matter what situation you encounter you must keep our eyes on the Lord.

Allow God to be your center focus. Pray to God to provide for those things that you may lack. Call upon the Lord to help you keep your mind right, so you might not loose it all. Ask God to help you have a forgiving heart to those whose actions have caused you to suffer. For as what one meant as evil against you, God meant it for good, “to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today” (Gen 50:20).

Friday, October 3, 2008

He Is Glorious

The other day I was thinking of when I went to the Grand Canyon. My first thought was look at this huge rock. When I looked at it the other day it was more than a huge rock.It was a piece of art, each indention from the highest peak to the lowest was strategically patterned with some of the most flawless colors. As the sun hit the canyon each area was illuminated.

This is one of the most inspiring, powerful landscapes. The site of it overwhelms ones senses. Its river flows 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide and a mile deep. It is a magnificent piece of work that only could have been created by a brilliant creator. It only gives a glimpse of how splendor our heavenly Father is.

The New Testament tells us how glorious our heavenly Father is. “The city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb,” (Rev 21:24).

God is light all by him self. When we get to heaven there will be no need to worry about paying your electricity bill, because just as God created a mother to naturally have milk for a baby, He provides light for us.

God deserves to be glorified for all about Him, through Him and to Him is superb.

Many are facing various troubles in the world today. Maybe you know someone who has lost their job, lost a loved one. Perhaps you are battling to keep your home each person has a story but it does not refute the glory of our Father. We have access to His glory. When you feel like you need to escape, escape in the Lord. When your troubles seem to be gaining weight upon you, praise God to the highest.

Folgers has nothing on starting your day with being in the presence of the Lord. Consider starting each day by asking the Lord, how can I represent you today? Pray to God that you are consumed with His presence. Ask the Lord to take each storm that comes your way. Call upon His name to fill you with His glory. For when the hour comes it is most vital that we are able to say, “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do,” (John 17:4).

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Stop Disrespecting

After I had my second child, I felt God called me to write for the building of the kingdom. I had no training as of how to write from a biblical stand point; as a result, I felt it wasn’t for me. I believed I never had time to write and my life was controlled by everything my children needed of me. In addition, I didn’t think I knew enough to write anything about God. To answer the call of writing for Him was not the most simple task.

Young Isaiah had as difficult time answering the call of the Lord. It took an act of God to change Isaiah’s mind and direction (Isaiah 6:6-8), for he made many excuses. As Isaiah made excuses, all along he was disrespecting God.

When I found it difficult to write and made excuses as of why I couldn’t write, I was disrespecting the Lord.

Isaiah saw the Lord and all His glory. “And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke,” (Isaiah 6:4). Gods’ glory made the door shake. The house filled with smoke by His splendor.

Isaiah said he was not worthy for he was unclean. He said his eyes had seen the king and now that he had seen all His glory he could not be compared to God. He believed because he was so flawed that he couldn’t commit to his calling. But after the holy angel touched him, Isaiah was cleaned, “your iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged,” (Isaiah 6:7).

It was then, Isaiah heard from voice of the Lord and Isaiah replied, “Here I am Lord, send me,” (Isaiah 6:8).

Many of us rebel against the Lord and wonder, “when will I get my chance.” However, those that rebel fail to see that they are disrespecting God.

Are you disrespecting the Lord today? Maybe you rebel because you don’t feel worthy. Perhaps you can’t register your extent of disrespect, so you keep saying ‘No’ to the Lord.

Don’t allow your sense of undeserving to disrespect the Lord. Allow the Lord to cleanse you of your iniquity. Call upon the Lord to purge you of your sin, so you may hear His voice. Pray to God that you stop making excuses. Pray that you become worthy in the sight of the Lord so you can say, Here I am Lord, send me. For, “once you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, but now Jesus has reconciled,” (Col 1:21-22).

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Glorify Thy Name

I recently had surgery and my body ached. While I was healing I was still determined to write.

Before Jesus died he said, “Now My soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, Father, save me from this hour? But for this purpose I came to this hour,” John 12:27.

Like Jesus, I had become troubled. It seemed as if every aspect of my body was in pain. It hurt for me to sit up straight, to lay on my back hurt and standing up was even more painful. All I wanted was for my pain to go away. In the midst of my pain, I still felt lead to write.

Have you ever been so troubled that you plead for safety? Have ever said God take all my pain away, make all my burdens cease, take me out of this mess? Even though Jesus was troubled He said to God, I don’t want to be going through this, yet it is my purpose, so let your will be done and “glorify thy name”, John 12:28.

It is easy to say God glorify your name when you have food to eat. It is easy to praise God when no bill collectors are calling. God is looking at us in our time of trouble. He is looking to see, if when He asks you to do something will your focus be your condition or will you focus on glorifying His name.

What is your true purpose? If you come short on your house note, if the person you thought was going to be you mate walks out on you, will you still say God let your will be done and glorify thy name. If it hurts for you to walk or stand up straight will you say, God it is my purpose, let your will be done and “glorify thy name."

We all will be tested. God looks at a person’s heart and our actions display our purpose for His calling. Allow God to be your focal point. When it seems your troubles are too heavy give them over to the Lord. Pray to God that He uses you, even though your pain is increasing. Ask God to let His purpose be done, even when your day is not going the way you want. For, “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small,” (Prov 24:10).