Friday, May 28, 2010

Time for a New Phase

Many people are graduating during this time. It is a time for a new phase for many. For some this is a moment they have been mapping in their head for years yet after the graduation what is there.

I remember being in middle school and I had every intention to leave home. I worked hard to make sure that nothing would get in the way from me graduating and going off to college.

Interestingly, I spent six years contemplating to go to college but beyond college was not something I considered, as a teenage girl. I was not living under the awareness of the shortness and uncertainty of life. As the time drew closer for me to conclude college I thought I would continue the path that I had already began in writing in journalism. Nevertheless, life hit me and I went through a spell. I was held up in traffic for seven years trying to figure out what do I do next.

As I reminisce, my mind is captured by the expression that Moses said, “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom,” Psalms 90:12.

This text points out the urgency for us to understand the discipline of prioritizing the days of our life. The statement "number our days" communicates putting in order, arranging the use of time.

Our days are numbered and we should take time in prioritizing those days to make sure we are marching towards our destiny and not away from our purpose.

The next point that is made is it says “that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom,” This phrase means to bring our souls, our inner being near wisdom of religious affairs, skill, war or ethical matters.

Each day we must arrange order within our days to good purpose, the divine appointed purpose for us and have our hearts engaged to the wisdom of our heavenly Father.If our days are prioritized then we can reflect on our works and compare them with our days. Maybe you have a child that is graduating. Perhaps you are the person graduating or moving to another phase in your life and you are mulling over, “What should I do now?”

Have you taken time to write the vision? Do you have a business plan laid out so that as you move about your days, you can evaluate your time, accomplishments and mistakes?

Consider not wasting four years, six years only anticipating getting a degree or completing a training course. However, think beyond the degree or certificate and insert time to apply seeking the wisdom of God to order each and every day of your life to complete the very purpose you are created for. Pray to God to help you not live for the moment but an eternal life. Ask God to help you live by faith and get wisdom and understanding. “Do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light,” Romans 13:11-12.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Women of Excellence Kick Off

We had a wonderful time being empowered about our worth as a woman of God! The ladies from the shelter joined us and were pampered, Praise God!! Special Shout Out to Fleur Elysee Salon and all the stylist who stepped up making this year a success. The ladies were all delighted and thankful. We thank Bizette Anthony for all of her continued support and allowing H.B. Heart to come in to continue the mission to empower women and help encourage the ladies from the shelter!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

See The Best In You

After my two oldest children prepared themselves for school my son asked, “Can we watch TV?” My reply was the same today as any other school morning, “No, you can fold some clothes.” As my son gathered some items, he looks up to me and asked, “How many do I have to get and what about…” I stopped him right there, saying,” You get some clothes and your sister will get some clothes also.”

His sister then comes in from out of the kitchen to say, “Can I have some more juice like…." I stopped her and replied, “Ask for more juice because you want it not because your brother had more. Tell me what you want based on you, not your brother.” She turns her big eyes up and bashfully says,” May I have more juice?”

Then all of a sudden, I was captured by a scripture I was going over yesterday, the Apostle Paul wrote, “Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load,” Galatians 6:4-5.

The Apostle Paul was basically saying everyone has an accountability to prove their work. When we are aware of our own heart and ways, then we will not spend time being jealous of another yet rejoice because we know who we are in Christ. We rejoice appreciating the gift God created in the other, without spending time despising others and we are most apt to help them when they are struggling.

As we face each day we should be most concern about our self and the work we are doing. Eah of us are all a work in progress. At the same time we are children of the most high. Let us hesitate to compare our self to another because when we take an interest in our self then we can see the ‘Best’ in us that the Lord see’s.

Consider not searching the web for what someone else is doing, how somebody else made it and search your heart with the scripture. God has a plan just for you. Today I encourage you to embrace who God created in you. Allow the Lord to show you how valuable you are in His sight and rejoice, forever more!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Standing in Gloomy Skies

The other day I looked at the clouds and on one side of my house was bright skies, on the other side the sky was gloomy. Then all of the sudden the side that was gloomy began to stretch out over the sunny side and as the gray clouds covered the sunny area there was a beaming ray of sunlight, slightly beaming through the gray clouds.

Later,I saw a squirrel in the road. I began to slow down and the squirrel was confused as ever. He ran right then left, then right a second time and decided to go back the way he came. It was at that moment the visual of the clouds and squirrel captured my mind to the book of James.

James said, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind,” James 1:-6.

This text is pointing out that when we go to God about an area in our life that we lack knowing and we ask Him for His divine wisdom the Lord is going to give His wisdom to all liberally. This word liberally means-simply, openly, frankly, sincerely. God is going to tell you how to do the thing you have been hesitant of doing by making it plain and simple. It continuous saying, the Lord is not going to criticize you;nothing you ask will be a stupid question.

The next verse gives two points, it says but let him ask in faith, with no doubt. This means we have to believe what we are asking God for and have no uncertainty.

The prior descriptions let me see how we are from time to time bright and sunny skies when it is all going well but the moment the eviction notice comes in we get gloomy skies. We run from side to side just like the squirrel and often times we go back the way we came instead of leaping out on faith.

Maybe God has been speaking something in your heart for years yet because you lack wisdom you hesitate. Perhaps, you feel in your heart you do what God says but all you can see is the Goliath and not the David in you.

Have you been sitting on a dream for years? Did God bless you with a gift that has been stored away far too long? Where does your faith stand today? Is your faith tossing in the wind or standing tall?

Consider God’s word never returns void. Allow the Lord to prepare you for the blessing, let Him help your unbelief. Pray to God to pour His wisdom continuously. Shout to the Lord to make it plain so you can get it and press forward. Don’t grow faint my friends, stand strong and believe Him for the impossible. Call upon the Lord and say, “Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus,” Acts 4:30.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

H.B.Heart Ministry Giving to Others on Mother's Day

Thank you all for your support and prayers. The ladies at the shelter were blessed and pampered from head to toe.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Kicking and Screaming in Change

For Mother’s Day I reported to my family, “I want a new Bible!” I grew very comfortable with my old one but the pages were now falling out. While on a road trip, my baby decided to rip out the first few pages and it was then that I knew I really had to let go of my favorite Bible.

As the day began, I forgot about my declaration but my family did not. Lying on the table was a card, a dozen of roses and a green embroidered covered Bible with silver pages. I was excited and eager to get to church.

When it was time to follow along with the reading of the scripture, I noticed this new Bible was a bit different. The words were a different version than what I was used to reading. I frantically thought, “were are the devotionals, this Bible doesn’t have encouraging devotionals?” Then I said, “Oh well, I will have to get used to this one.” Later my husband asked me, if I liked the Bible and I curiously said, “yes, it is a different version than I am used to.” He insisted I took it back and I said no the change is good, I will keep it. At that moment God ministered to my heart.

My mind thought of the book of Luke and Jesus was talking to a group of people.He told them I came to bring division not peace. He told them from now on there will be division in the house of five, father against son, mother against daughter. He continued to say to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once, 'A shower is coming.' And so it happens. And when you see the south wind blowing, you say, 'There will be scorching heat,' and it happens. You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?" Luke12:52-59

In the text Jesus was telling the crowd you can predict the weather but you hypocrites you cannot discern what you are prophetically going through.

‘Ooch that hurt’, when we get to a point in life and we have to choose something new it never means there will not be heartache, anguish or sorrow about letting go of the old. There are countless stories in the Bible of faithful people of strife and division, stories of disruption caused by the choice to letting go of something that is most familiar, what is comfortable or accustomed to in exchange for a new and more faithful way that God has for us. Grief escorts a change of a rainbow. Our heavenly Father expects more of us, He has given us so much proof yet we stand in negligence.

Have you been told to let go of something old? Has God pressed upon you to stop doing some negative things and you feel like you are wrestling?Are you kicking and screaming? Do you have things falling apart as you try to hold fast of the old?

Maybe you have to make a change today but you are still looking at how it was ‘Back in the Day.’ Perhaps something has been kicking your behind as you go against the grain because you won’t let go of the old to choose the new.

Choosing the new way can cause pain, it can cause some discomfort. When Abraham followed Jesus it caused some chaos. He had to take his family somewhere and he did not know where. When Peter followed Jesus it caused pain and division for he left his family. He left his job of being a fisherman that supported his family that he abandoned. Today you might feel like the tables are turning upon all that is familiar but our God sent us a Savior who is a healer. He sent a healer that healed the uncertainty in Abraham’s family and the brokenness in Peter’s family making their names great.

Perhaps the flames you feel are meant so our God will heal all the brokenness of division, of discomfort of the usual and old ways turning to new. Consider allowing the Father to do His job as you follow His path. Pray to God to help you be more discerning of the changes that He is allowing to take place. Pray to endure the change with grace. Call upon the Lord and thank Him for bringing you through the change of the old into the new. God has set us apart placing His hand on us for a specific purpose. "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end," Jeremiah 29:11.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Not Becomes Possible

The other day I found myself looking at what I have not done and wondering when I will have time to do those things. I thought, “God why did you ask me to do all of this? You know I can’t do all of this, it is impossible. I have many responsibilities at this house, my husband needs me to do this, my children need me to do that and my church needs me to do this. I don’t have, I can’t get, but what about..." I heard Him all so clearly say,"Who Am I?"

I felt like a little kid in trouble with my head hanging low. I turned in everything that night and said I will try again another day, "Lord forgive me. I will do what you ask of me." When I woke up a great friend emailed me and his message read

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God," Mark 10:27.

In this text Jesus looks at the disciples considering their statement to assure them that if you are relying on a human being rather male or female, animals or plants or if you are relying on another source it is without strength, powerless, weakly and disabled.

However, if you look to the Father, God, Alpha and Omega, all things -each individual thing, each and every whole thing. He says, if you rely on God every collectively thing is able. It is possible to move forward and have all power, wealth and might with God.

This shook me up because God reminded me as He is reminding all His children today, with God it is possible.

What are you hoping for today? Who are you looking to to get that thing done? Are your desires aligning with God? Maybe you are trying to do something quick that’s not legit. Perhaps you are just considering how to get for yourself or get money for the moment.

Consider seeking God about how to help the kingdom of heaven. Pray to God to help you set your eyes on what He desires for what He has willed for you is where the power is. Remember, "all things are possible through Christ," Phil 4:13.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just Come

In my family Sunday is like a big event. My children pop up with great expectations to go to Sunday school. You would think they are going to a theme park. However, this past Sunday was different. We did get to Sunday school and all were jumping like jelly beans and as church concluded I gathered our belongings and I picked up a form that my daughter filled out. I glanced over it and noticed she checked the boxes that read- I am interested in being baptized. I would like information on How to become a Christian and I would like to speak to a minister.

I melted because I knew that moment that my 9 year old daughter had made a decision on her own to accept Christ as her Savior. As I traveled home I was filled with such joy.

My mind was captured by the book of Mark. “People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth; anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them,” Mark 10:13-16 (NIV).

It is interesting that this text says the disciples first thought to reprimand the little children and their actions annoyed Jesus. The Lord followed by saying don’t stop them from coming to me; don’t put brakes on them because you don’t understand. Jesus was saying to them that the age of a person has nothing to do with the kingdom of heaven.

Many times adults react in an outraged manner simply because we don’t understand our children. We will tell them no without an explanation or even asking them why are you doing that. Perhaps you are wondering where this is leading and why a parent would need to get all that back ground information from a child.

Ask yourself this question- Do I expect a lot of background information from God? Are there times I want to be explained certain things? Am I not a child of God? No matter our age there are still times we long for answers to our question. The Lord is not saying make an appointment, He is simply saying ‘come.’ As we go He compassionately unfolds answers.

Maybe you have been prolonging coming to Christ because you think you are not ready. Perhaps you put going to the Lord on your ‘things to do list.’

Do you have a relationship with the Father? How do you respond when there is an issue in your life? Are you magnifying your problem or exalting the Most High? Do you have faith as a child?

Consider giving your life over to the Lord. Allow the Father to use you as a vessel. Commit today to serve Him as He wills. I pray that you will send your emails of prayer request, call to surrender all before the Lord today. If you just need someone to pray with send me a message, I will pray with you. Call upon the Lord to take you by the hand and lead you. The Lord is your refuge; pray to God to keep you from harm as you make a life changing decision to just serve Him. Maybe you have given your life and got off course re-commit and follow the ways of the Lord. Acknowledge Him right now, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God,” Romans 3:23. Ask for forgiveness of your mistakes, “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon,” Isaiah 55:7. Believe Christ as your SAVIOUR, “But as many as received him, to them He gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name,” John 1:12. Proclaim that Christ is Lord, “what shall a man give in exchange for his soul,” Mark 8:37? May God bless you and be in your heart always.