Monday, September 29, 2008

Glorify Him Daily

The other day I prepared lunch for the kids to eat and they were so excited about what they were going to eat. One of my youngest sons ran to the table before the food was set on the table and the moment his plate touched the table he eagerly begins to eat.

As I sat the other plates on the table I said to him, stop and say your grace. He looked at his food, looked at me, bowed his head and began to bless his food. God is great, God is good….

Afterwards, my oldest son sluggishly says, “Why do we have to say grace each time we eat?” His sister, in her knows it all tone responds, “Because we are thanking God.”

God is glorious. Each time something occurs in your life it is through the grace of God. “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen,” (Romans 11:36).

God created man for Him. A man was created through Him and to Him. Everything that man has is because the creator; as a result, our prayers should trace back to God, the provider.

Once a person asked me, do I have to ask God about everything? Every thing recognizes God’s magnificence expect for Satan and human kind.

Satan wants the glory for himself. Many people in the world want the splendor for them self. A top corporation will hire a person because of what they can bring to the table. When the person works at a company, the corporation is getting credit for what the person is doing. When the person leaves the job, everything they brought to the table and how they helped increased the reputation of the company stays at that organization. The person was hired based on what they could do for the company to glorify the company.

Many of us are walking around proud and asking the question what can you do to glorify me? Some of us walk in church asking God, “What can God do to elevate me?”

When my kids see me cleaning I want them to ask me, “what can I do mother to help you.” I don’t want to hear, Mom I need you to take me here or buy me this to endorse my agenda.

I imagine God wants to hear the same thing. He wants us to come to Him and say, “Father what can I do to win someone over to you. What can I do this morning to make you look good, to show off your bling, bling, God what can I do to help?”

Gods’ glory is beyond everything He created. When you receive something, how do you respond? Are you quick to say thank you or ask for a little more? Do you have a heart of thanksgiving asking the Father, “What can I do to elevate the Almighty?

Allow God to open your heart. Pray to the Lord that you recognize His glory. Ask Him to help you consume your self with His brilliance. Pray that each day you glorify His name. For, every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him,” (Isaiah 43:7).

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pure or Polluted Faith

A person told me, they remember being a child and when they got in trouble their mother would tell them in a firm tone, “When I get home I am going to whip you.” The person said the whole day would go by and the action of him getting disciplined would be on his mind all day long. He would walk around in fear thinking, “When is she going to whip me, how is she going to whip me.”

Perhaps, he even functioned a bit slower because of thinking of being disciplined. He expressed how he was in fear all day and the moment he thought, “Well I made it through the day, now I can go take a bath.” Within three minutes in crept his mother to whip his behind.

When we hear negative things we meditate on it. The negative thoughts consume us, we move slowly and eventually get paralyzed.

Fear is polluted faith. It is cluttered with negative words to get you to believe you are not able to accomplish something that you are capable of doing. Like faith, fear comes by hearing. “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ,” (Rom 10:17).

In the story of Batman, Bruce Wayne was initially afraid of bats. As he grew he used the very thing he was afraid of to help encourage him to save the city of Gotham.

It is those things we fear we need not to be afraid of to fulfill our appointed task in life. What is your fear? Do you continue to tell yourself you can’t do something based on needing validation? How must man give validation towards your task in life, when man didn’t appoint the very task? Seek God for validation so you may not be fearful of your task. “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you,” (Matt 6:33).

Don’t allow fear to run you, run your fears. Allow God to use your fear to conquer your task. Pray to God to give you wisdom to accomplish your tasks through out your life. Call upon the Lord to send others to encourage you along the way (1 Thess 5:11). Pray that you have pure faith not polluted faith. You are God’s child and He did not give you the spirit of fear.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Stealing For Now

A father’s daughter has graduated from high school, she wishes to go to off to college but the father is not able to afford to give her any money because he now has lost his deluxe house he couldn't afford and is on the verge of loosing his pay check to pay check job.

He owes so much on his mortgage, his electricity bill was recently disconnected, and his car is about to break down any day and he struggles to keep his job: wondering, “Where did he go wrong.”

This father struggles to pay for things he can’t afford but also his daughter struggles because of the decisions he has made has created things to be difficult for his child.

This father reminds me of the story of Achan. He had a temptation to steal. His disobedience caused God to turn His back on Israel. God told Joshua they could not stand before there enemies.

“The LORD said to Joshua, "Get up! Why have you fallen on your face? Israel has sinned; they have transgressed my covenant that I commanded them; they have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen and lied and put them among their own belongings” (Josh7:10-12).

“Then Joshua said to Achan, "My son, give glory to the LORD God of Israel and give praise to him. And tell me now what you have done; do not hide it from me." And Achan answered Joshua, "Truly I have sinned against the LORD God of Israel, and this is what I did: when I saw among the spoil a beautiful cloak from Shinar, and 200 shekels of silver, and a bar of gold weighing 50 shekels, then I coveted them and took them. And see, they are hidden in the earth inside my tent, with the silver underneath,"(Josh 7:19-21).

Achans' temptation took over his desire to have something for now. So often we make financial decisions all because we want something now and it affects the family. His refusal to wait for God cost him his future, as a result affected Israel.

I imagine this father bought his luxurious house because he couldn't wait to have a big house. After buying the house he never could afford initially, all his other priorities piled on with the instant desired responsibilities he created.

It is against Christ teachings to buy things we can’t afford, “Woe to him who piles up stolen goods and makes himself wealthy by extortion! How long must this go on?”For how long must he, make himself rich with loans?' "Will not your creditors rise up suddenly, And those who collect from you awaken?"(Habakkuk 2:6-7).

Do you think buying things you can’t afford is not stealing? Perhaps you are justifying things by saying, “God knows I need it that is why I buy it.” Maybe you are praying that God would bless you with winning the lottery or some form of quick cash to release you from the mess you put yourself in. God is not for someone creating a get rich quick scheme (Prov 13:11).

If you are stealing stop. Pray to the Lord that you seek Him first and not your desires. Ask God to help you use your time wisely and be more productive so that you are able to give to your family. For is it better to use “your hands for good work and give generously to others in need,” (Prov 13:11).

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Let Not My Will

When I was in college I pursued being a journalist because I was praised for my writings. It was the only thing I knew I could do with my writing ability. Throughout my college years I was an active reporter for broadcast and print media. Upon the closing of my senior year my path of journalism closed. I was completely brokenhearted.

I moved to Georgia with hopes of getting a job as a reporter but nothing ever came of it. Day by day I felt less of a person. The one thing I thought I was able to do was no longer achievable for me to obtain. As years passed by I slowly stop writing. I held this over my head and allowed the enemy access to kill me strand by strand of my hearts desire to write.

This brings to memory the story of Absalom, King David’s son. He was praised for his handsome appearance. “From the sole of his foot to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him,” (2 Sam 14:25).

I imagine Absalom thought highly of himself. Absalom had a plan to be king. I can see him saying to himself, “I am so handsome, I should be king.” He set out to be king. “And a messenger came to David, saying, "The hearts of the men of Israel have gone after Absalom,” (2 Sam 15:13).

I had my eyes set on being a journalist, but God had another plan. Like Absalom my plan was void, for it was not the will of God. We both sought after an elevated position.

For several years, I gave the enemy authority to ruin my confidence in writing. I allowed him in to steal almost all the passion I had for writing, based on things not going according to my will. I was distracted by my broken heart that I could not see God's presence.

Are you seeking a certain position in life? Have you made plans to be the spotlight instead of the shining light for Christ? Maybe you have had a taste of your destiny. Perhaps you have given authority to the enemy to destroy every aspect of your purpose as Absalom.

Allow God to show you His purpose for your gift. Consider God to be more important than the gift He has given you and let Him guide you. Ask God to help you not seek others for validation of the destiny He has for you. Pray to God that you live to glorify Him. Pray that you learn to live for God and not for Him endorsing what you have been living for. God created us (Gen 1:26-27) for Himself; we were created for His will to be done, not our will.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Slack Not In Distress

When I was a little girl my sisters, brothers and I would go to this haunted houses at the fair park. One by one we would go in the house. I would be very conscious about showing how fearful I was because I never wanted to be teased about being a scary cat. I would gather up my feelings and hold my breath and go through. As I went through my heart would be racing.

The house was dark, cold, and loud howling noises; along with people screaming of fear could be heard through out the house. When something would jump out I would close my eyes tight anticipating someone to come from behind and push me along from the frightful atrocious thing coming at me. As I headed out the house, there stood my sisters and brothers on the outside cheering, “Run for your life.” Finally I could take a deep breath, smiling with a sense of triumph, “I made it through!”

As an adult I still have some haunted houses to go through. Each haunted house is like a dreadful pit with scary things coming from left to right. The difference from when I was a child and now is, then it was all for fun. However, as an adult each haunted house is like an exam. On the other side of this test is me getting closer and closer to my destiny.

I commit to memory, the story of Benaiah. “He went down and struck down a lion in a pit on a day when snow had fallen,” (2 Sam 23: 20).

I imagine like my haunted house he could not see in his pit, he could hear the frightful atrocious lions roar inside. Benaiah walked up to the pit as I. He jumps in defeating the lion.

Benaiah tackled his greatest fear, knowing he could be chased out of his destiny. It was after he defeated the lion that King David made him chief of his body guards. King Solomon made him commander over the army of Israel. “The king put Benaiah the son of Jehoiada over the army in place of Joab," (1 Kings 2:25).

Like Benaiah, we have to confront our greatest fear. We can not run our race to our destiny carrying our burdens; we must have stamina as Benaiah. We have to be alert, “be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour,” 1(Pet 5:8).

Your greatest opportunity will present itself as your greatest lion. If you are slack in the day of distress, your strength is limited (Prov 24:10). Your greatest desire could be right there but you are afraid of the lion.

Maybe you feel faint. Perhaps your lion is roaring right in your face, but what will you do? Will you thrust through and defeat the lion or anticipate magically being pushed through?

Allow God to strengthen you. Ask God to place His amour on you. Pray that you come out with victory, even if you come out limping. Ask God for favor while you are in your pit. For Gods opportunity is His gift to you.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Accept His Joy

Two ladies were talking about relationships. One lady expressed to the other when dating someone and acting married God gives you hints to let you know either you are going to be married or not married.

Today many couples seek the benefits of being married but do not follow the terms of being married. In the same way, their “wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything,” (1 Timothy 3:11).

The scripture is directed to wives. The issue is many couples want the benefits of marriage but they do not want to legally get married because of the bond it holds.

As the ladies continued talking, she recalled when she was dating a man he was not very supportive when a loved one of hers died. She continued to say when she brought up marriage he would tell her, he is scared of being married.

Nevertheless, they did things as a married couple. Their conversation concluded with stating instead of leaving the person, she just adjusted her life to accepting the idiosyncrasies from the other person.

Many people seek being married. Some people think they are not suppose to be married based on a past sour relationship they were involved with. However, could it be that the sour relationship was designed to help you discern a sweet relationship? Perhaps if one did not experience the bad relationship they would overlook when the real one was before them. God still desires for His people to be married. There are some that are to not be married, yet if you have strong desires for another then I think it would be best to say you should be married.

Paul was a man that did not marry. The principle of not being married could stem from what Paul said in I Corinthians 7:7, "For I would that all man were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that."

Paul had to stop himself from desiring a woman. He had to make sure when he spoke to a lady he wasn’t thinking of kissing her lips. When he spent time with a woman he had to hinder his mind from going to the thought of being married to the woman, making love to a woman or having children and desiring companionship. Paul was willing to reframe from all these steps through out his life.

If a person finds themselves not willing to reframe from desiring another sexually or just from companionship then why deceive yourself, you are not a candidate to remain single.

Do not con yourself based on a rotten relationships in the past. Believe God for your happiness. Ask God to help you be open to the happiness He has for you. Pray to the Lord that you anticipate the happiness He has in store for you and not reject the joy He has for you. For you are His child and as His child He wants you to be happy, all the days of your life.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

At What Cost

As I turn on the TV I see a woman and her family being demoralized. The sickening part is the woman is receptive of the exploiting that is taking place. She is being cheered on as a hero and the family is standing before a crowd all for the glory of man.

The more I viewed the woman the more insulted I became, as she accepted the applause, an annoying feeling came over me. As a woman I felt she was representing me in the eyes of the media and I did not like the un-Christian image she was portraying about women and the family at all.

I bear in mind, Judas handing over Jesus to the authorities, as I view this family on TV. When Judas betrayed Jesus he said, “Rabbi, Rabbi! And kissed Him,” (Mark 14:45).

As this woman accepted the accolades, I felt she was selling the true image of a woman and family for the glory of man.

Judas sold out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, the chief priest gave Judas little of nothing to take out Jesus (Matt26:15).

I am disappointed wondering, what this world has come to. Are you setting aside biblical teachings to benefit yourself? Do you feel scorn to see another push their agenda to destroy the teachings of our Lord?

How important is the image of the Father being glorified? Are you being misled? Do you applaud in cheer when the media is commending sin? Where is your heart really directed?

I believe God is looking to see if our hearts are fixed on someone’s image or His image. Maybe when you see this family on TV you say they look great. Perhaps you are saying its time for history to be made, but at what cost. Is it worth demining Gods principles to glorify man or demolish the family?

I pray for the people of the world today. I ask that you pray for discernment. Ask the Lord to help you focus on His teaching s to glorify Him. Pray that others might discern when someone is trying to sell a story to benefit man. God is consistent, He will not portray love and be hate, He will not portray life and be death, For He is God the same today and everyday.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Blessing Ahead

Yesterday, I spoke with a friend and she told me about her journey to speak at a retreat. As she was traveling a diesel came straight for her. She was going 65 miles per hour up an incline on the road and the diesel was coming straight for her. She told me how difficult it was for her to slow down as this diesel was approaching her within minutes.

As I listened at the edge of my seat she concluded by stating that she knew there must be a blessing waiting at her final destination. It reminded me of the challenges I have had since I have been writing daily in hopes to glorify God.

I am recovering from surgery and it is more of a challenge to channel my attention to God to deliver the message in the devotionals daily. I can’t get up and go to church as I please, I have a hard time finding television shows with someone preaching about what God wants me to hear, I have no access at this time to sermons on cd’s, and it seems as if my access to hear the Word is closing in on me.

I believe when my friend told me the diesel was coming for her it was as if the enemy was anticipating her saying, I am turning around, I give up. As I am recovering and it becomes tedious by the day and sometimes the hour I believe the enemy is waiting for me to say, I give up.

The enemy tested Job anticipating He would turn on God. Yet Job remained faithful when all that was his, was taken away (Job 28: 23-28). Job had counsel from his friends and they told him he must have done something bad (Job 24:25). His wife told him to curse God and die (Job 2:9), yet Job knew in his heart God was still protecting him.

Have you ever been serving the Lord and as you got more involved, more dedicated, more focused on the Lord the enemy came to strike you down?

The enemy does not play fair. His very motive is to kill you. When things become strenuous do you give up? Do you turn around because you can’t take it any more? When the pain increases do you relieve your self by quitting?

Consider Christ on the cross, when they start beating Him, what did he do? When the hung Him high, what did He do? Perhaps the heat is being turned up as a tactic to scare you off. Maybe the intensity of the pain has increased because the enemy wants you to quit.

Where is your focus today? Can you look at your pain and say, I won’t give up? Ask the Lord to carry you through this intense time in your life. Pray to God that as the pain deepens His shield enhances, blocking the hits. Pray to the Lord that you are able to keep your eyes on Him as Job and come out as gold.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Speak Through Your Weakness

As the day went along I was surrounded with two issues. One side of me knew the correct state of mind for me to be in the other side of me was tampered by absurd feelings.

It was as if there were two paths. One path held the spirit of truth and the other was a false path which magnetized me. The false path seemed to be able to exert a pull on me which suctioned my body yet my thoughts were still on the other path. The other path was stability. Going in that route I would be stable and have peace, but the force from the other issue which was full of energy to suck the very life out of me, kept pulling at me.

I wanted to confront this thing which was pulling at me but I did not know how. I felt I had to before it consumed me. My eyes began to fill with tears as I quietly spoke to God to release me from this overwhelming spirit.

I could bear in mind, Hannah speaking from her heart to God, only her lips moved but her voice was not heard. The priest thought she was drunk and told her to put her wine away.

Hannah replied, “No my lord, I am a woman of sorrowful spirit. I have drunk neither wine nor intoxicating drink, but have poured my soul before the Lord.Do not consider your maidservant a wicked woman,” (1Sam 1:15-16).

Eli told her to go in peace and God will grant your request and Hannah went away and was not sad any more, for she knew there was favor in the sight of the priest amongst her (1Sam 1:17-18).

Has your spirit ever been so sorrowful that you felt tugged? Sometimes in life it is as if we are on a roller coaster, being jerked from left to right, going up and down waiting for the ride to end. What do you do to snap out of the grief- stricken mind frame?

Hannah looked as a drunken woman, I felt as an uncanny obsession was coming for me. I imagine Hannah felt out of the ordinary, and in the midst of her feelings she allowed her spirit of faith to speak for her.

Have you ever got so weak that your soul feels like it’s on the urge of cracking? When you get weak do you reach deep down in your soul and allow your spirit of faith to speak for you? Possibly your weakness is a time to direct yourself to your faith. Maybe what you think is crazy is actually your spiritual side fighting your flesh.

Instead of thinking someone is loosing it; speak to God through your weakness. Pray that you trust that God will bring you through and leave you in peace. Ask the Lord to help you have the power of persistence and faith. I pray that in your time of weakness you are able to pray sincerely, earnestly, and specifically to the Lord.