Friday, February 19, 2010

Just Do Good

I remember shortly after having my daughter everything in my life started to change. I was no longer working as a reporter and every place I went to seek employment rejected me. I could not understand. My husband on the other hand had a job and it was not to long before I began to become jealous of him. He never knew I was jealous of him until I was not jealous. It took me a while to see his success as my success.

My past experience reminds of of the virtuous woman. The Bible says that “She does him good, and not evil, all the days of her life,” Proverbs 31:12. This woman was absolutely amazing.

To be good to her husband everyday of her life displays how close she was to God. This scipture is saying that she encouraged him, she was like his instant energizer drink, she woke up daily considering how she as his wife could make things better for him, as God positioned the woman as a helper to her husband since the creation of Eve. She had to have thought that all the good she brought to him was an act of service to God and her husband reaped the benefits from it.

The more I consider this scripture I can’t help but be amazed with her.My perspecitve upon being fired was opposite of the virtuous woman. As I have grown to know more of God and how He desires of me I become more as Christ desires.

Maybe you have a hard time agreeing with your spouse. Perhaps after Valentine’s Day all the romance went away, or was it there then. How is your perspective towards your spouse? Are you able to see his success as your success? Is he able to entrust you with his heart?

Consider being more Christ like as a wife. Ask the Lord to help you as days of disagreement flows that you are able to focus on pleasing God by being of good cheer. Call upon the Lord to give you strength to bring good to your spouse on Sunday through Saturday, not just on holidays but every day. Pray to God and trust Him as you pour out your heart to Him, for with God all things are possible.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Your Walk

When I was a junior in college I was evaluating myself and I notice I was disciplined in my study habits, my work flow was well but when I looked at myself I thought, “okay I am not exercising like I should.”

My dad was big on being fit yet being away from home meant I would have to push myself to work out and I knew I needed help with that area.

I tried working out at the gym only to find that I was not at all disciplined enough to stay focused on what I was doing in effort to stay fit. I sought a personal trainer and I was doing well under the supervision of the trainer after two weeks. I decided to scale back only to find myself slipping in the exercises. The trainer was needed a bit longer than two weeks. After over six weeks in with the trainer, I noticed I could handle the pattern and I became disciplined with exercising.

Reminiscing on this experienced channeled my attention to, Galatians 5:16 and it reads “ Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.”

This text is proposing an ultimate challenge but can be conquered if we remember the ways of our heavenly Father. To walk in the Spirit is being disciplined to respond to things the way God has instructed us to.

Going to Bible study and Sunday school is like having a personal trainer. To walk this walk we all should take advantage of having a personal trainer. The days in between Bible study and Sunday school are the days we continue the exercise of studying the Word and when a situation approaches we will be better equipped to naturally respond as we have trained our mind, body and soul.

When an athlete is training they practice the sport so on the game day they will naturally respond to catching the ball, throwing the ball, moving quickly from the harm of the opponent, and thinking quick to make crucial decisions.

To walk in Spirit is an act of allowing the Spirit to reside within you and guide you so when you are not being treated fair you will not lash out. If you are upset with your spouse you will not say things to hurt them. If you are upset with a family member you don’t cut them off. Walking in the Spirit is being controlled by the Spirit so much that your thoughts, reactions and actions are all based around WWJD.

What walk are you walking today? Are you walking one of the Spirit or flesh? How disciplined are you? Are you seeking the Lord but not exercising the Word daily? Maybe you have slacked and need a personal trainer daily.

Consider allowing the Lord to be your personal trainer. Call upon the Lord to consume your every thought so walking in the Spirit becomes your life style. “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint,” Isa 40:31 (NIV).

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just Trust Me

A child exits the bus in tears. She is greeted by her mother, but all she gets is her tears. As they enter the house, the mother lightly places her hands upon her daughters shoulders while her head hangs low. She says to her in a mild tone, "tell me what happened". The child looks up at her mother in disbelief and says "no one likes me, they say I'm ugly, call me names and pulls my hair. No one likes me, I don't even like me. Mom, why did you make me like this?" Her mother embraces her as she melts down to the floor and prays before the Lord.

This scenario jogs my memory to David encouraging the Juduthuns to wait on the Lord. He says, "Trust in him at all times you people, pour out your heart before him, God is a refuge for us," (Psalm 62:8).

This text make three vital points. First it tells us to trust God in every situation, trust him in doubt, rejection, when we are at our highest point or lowest point. David encourages us to trust the Lord. To trust God in all things means trusting him when our confidence is low, when we are in need or want, if we are in danger and if it seems as if no one cares. When all seems to be going down hill, we can take comfort by trusting the Lord.

The next point this scripture makes is it advises us to tell every expression that we feel to God. He wants us to tell him what makes us tick, when we are tired of being treated unfairly, if we can't take another month of not knowing if we'll have something to eat, somewhere to live or a place to work. God is saying pour all your concerns out and tell Him all of it. He doesn't want us to go run and tell Mary or Sue, don't call on Joe but call on Him first and take comfort.

The final point this text is making is "God is our refuge". That means He is our shelter. He provides what we need, protecting us from all that is outside. God is making special provision for us, but He is asking us to trust him.

What do you have to trust God for today? The young child mentioned previously, had to trust that her mother would listen as she told her what was bothering her so deeply. She had to trust that she could pour out her heart and know that everything would be alright. Are you facing something in your life which is causing you to have to trust God? God wants to know we feel so comfortable with Him that we will come to Him when there is uproar or a sensation.

Maybe you know someone that lost their job and God is saying, trust me. Perhaps you've lost a loved one and God is saying, trust me. Possibly you were accused of something and told you have to report to court and God is saying, trust me. Could it be you received an eviction notice and God is saying, trust me. Do you have to make a big decision in your marriage or business and God is saying, trust me.

Many people are being called to trust God in a way like never before, He is encouraging us to stop looking at that situation as if it is a situation to set us back. Consider what you are being asked to trust God for as a set up to get you closer to your blessing. Ask God to help you trust him in the good and the bad times. Pray to God to order your steps and help you stay steady on his path. Call upon the Lord to let you see beyond the distractions and let the Lord be accountable for what has taken place as you trust him.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Hit

Over Thirty days has passed since the new year began. The other morning I woke up in cheer. I quickly came to find that a huge and unexpected change had taken place in regards to this organization. This change makes it necessary to alter the immense plans for this year.

As I became aware of the change it was as if a shadow was starting to huddle around me, but as my eyes filled with tears, I began to remember what the Lord had done in 2009. I remembered how He took me out of the box that I shelled myself in, how He made a way out of no way. I recalled how He caused me to do things I never imagined and everything flowed because it was all Him activated within me. All of a sudden my confidence started popping like pop corn.

Instantly, I could see Peter in my mind that moment the disciples were in a boat. It was early in the morning and the boat was far from land as the water was roaring. Jesus stood a bit off on top of the water and started walking towards the disciples.

Initially they were scared but Jesus spoke saying, “"Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid," "Lord, if it's You," Peter replied, "tell me to come to You on the water." "Come," He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink cried out, "Lord, save me!" Matthew 14:27-30.

Jesus had just fed over 5000 people, with little of nothing. As I continued thinking about my change my mind recalled more of how the Lord had just blessed me, giving me favor to do things far beyond my imagination.

I declared that moment “I am not going to call out to the Lord to come get me; I am not going to sink, because I have dominion to move forward.” When I got the news about the change it was as if the water was raising and wind was blowing. Yet, as I looked at the Lord’s creditability I could see this change was from HIM. He was standing there in the midst of my situation saying “Take courage, It is I don’t be afraid.” I don’t know how things are going to all work out, but I know God has taken care of it.

Today, someone else experiencing a change and the reality is it is a test of your faith: The Lord is standing right there in your situation. This is crunch time in your first quarter, show thyself approved.

Have you been hit with a major, unexpected change? Do you feel like after the first quarter your life has taken a turn? Maybe today you have been told you don’t have what you thought you had to get to where you need to go. Perhaps you lost all your possessions, or your marriage is on shaky ground and this thing called Doubt is over you like a shadow. Are you Peter crying out “Lord save me” or are you rooted in your faith saying the “The Lord is on my side.”

Consider using the two edged sword of God’s Word, allowing it to cut away low self-confidence. Don’t allow the enemy to get between you and the Father. Call upon the Lord to help you focus when the wind is coming towards you. Ask God to keep you and then rest assured that He will. “I will say of the Lord ‘He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. (Psalm 91:2)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Listen Quick

A man went to compete in a singing competition. He was very excited and looking forward to singing. As he closed in singing one judge commented on his voice, saying, "You have a nice voice, but you need training." The young man began to sing more while another judge comments saying, "Your vocals are all over the place but practice..."

Now the young man is upset, he begins shouting vigorously, reacting as if his dream was now taken away. The final judge interrupted the contestant, saying, "You have to find humility in what you are doing. We are trying to help you". This man was so upset that he began shouting, "I can sing, you can't sing. You all are trying to tell me, I can't sing".

He was then escorted by security out of the room because he was quick to speak, react and unable to receive that the judges were advising him how to expand the gift he had of singing.

I am reminded of James speaking to the scattered tribe during trials. He said "let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God," James 1:19.

The text is pointing out to the believer qualities we should have in trials. First we should be quick to hear. The young man previously mentioned did not want to hear what the judges had to say. He was convinced he knew it all. We have to be attentive and quickly hear what God has to say.

The second quality we must have is being slow to speak because our point of view will overshadow God's point of view. If we condition ourselves to be quick to hear God's point of view, slow to speak our point of view, much will be accomplished. The reality is when we are going through we are going to hear God say something that is going to tick us off.

He told the rich young ruler to get rid of all your possessions and follow me. This ticked him off - he was declaring, "Look, I know all your ways and I have stuck to it, but now you tell me to get rid of my stuff? You must be tripping." Many of us hear what God says and react just like the rich young ruler.

The third quality we must have is being slow to wrath. James says slow down, proceed with caution when we are upset. Don't blow up and allow our emotions to override. Becoming heated acting out of control will cause us to miss the blessing based on us not managing our emotions. Anger is not going to produce righteousness. Anger will get you escorted out of a place. It will get you a free ride to jail. It will get you deep in a hole wondering, how can I get out?

When we are able to position ourselves to be quick to listen to God’s point, slow to speak what our point of view or our friend's point of view, then when a crisis shows up at the door, having a fit will be far from the response toward the crisis.

Many Christians, like the contestant, are having tantrums during trials. Instead of reacting in a calm delightful manner, as it says in James 1:2 “count it all joy when you fall in various trials,” Christians are having fits. We have the Word implanted within, which is suppose to expand but when we act opposite of the traits that are righteous in our trials; we stop the growth process of the seed in us. The Word is implanted to grow, to expand for us to blossom.

Are you facing a trail today? Have you felt your dream has been shattered? Did you lose a child or loved one? Are you facing a financial disaster or sickness?

What quality are you displaying in your situation? Is it slow to hear, fast to speak and quick to get upset which produces nothing but mess. Or, is it swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger which produces righteousness.

Consider displaying the trait that will produce righteousness. Pray to God to help you clear your mind so you may hear his voice. Call upon the Lord to help you be slow to give your opinion and slow to become angry so your character will be built in a righteous manner.