Friday, February 12, 2010

Your Walk

When I was a junior in college I was evaluating myself and I notice I was disciplined in my study habits, my work flow was well but when I looked at myself I thought, “okay I am not exercising like I should.”

My dad was big on being fit yet being away from home meant I would have to push myself to work out and I knew I needed help with that area.

I tried working out at the gym only to find that I was not at all disciplined enough to stay focused on what I was doing in effort to stay fit. I sought a personal trainer and I was doing well under the supervision of the trainer after two weeks. I decided to scale back only to find myself slipping in the exercises. The trainer was needed a bit longer than two weeks. After over six weeks in with the trainer, I noticed I could handle the pattern and I became disciplined with exercising.

Reminiscing on this experienced channeled my attention to, Galatians 5:16 and it reads “ Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.”

This text is proposing an ultimate challenge but can be conquered if we remember the ways of our heavenly Father. To walk in the Spirit is being disciplined to respond to things the way God has instructed us to.

Going to Bible study and Sunday school is like having a personal trainer. To walk this walk we all should take advantage of having a personal trainer. The days in between Bible study and Sunday school are the days we continue the exercise of studying the Word and when a situation approaches we will be better equipped to naturally respond as we have trained our mind, body and soul.

When an athlete is training they practice the sport so on the game day they will naturally respond to catching the ball, throwing the ball, moving quickly from the harm of the opponent, and thinking quick to make crucial decisions.

To walk in Spirit is an act of allowing the Spirit to reside within you and guide you so when you are not being treated fair you will not lash out. If you are upset with your spouse you will not say things to hurt them. If you are upset with a family member you don’t cut them off. Walking in the Spirit is being controlled by the Spirit so much that your thoughts, reactions and actions are all based around WWJD.

What walk are you walking today? Are you walking one of the Spirit or flesh? How disciplined are you? Are you seeking the Lord but not exercising the Word daily? Maybe you have slacked and need a personal trainer daily.

Consider allowing the Lord to be your personal trainer. Call upon the Lord to consume your every thought so walking in the Spirit becomes your life style. “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint,” Isa 40:31 (NIV).

1 comment:

Marsha said...

Jamila, that is so true. I have to stay plugged into the word on a daily basis because if I dont it is easy for me to drift away from how I should behave as a christian. Actually it is so hard for me to go without hearing or reading the word, it keeps me lifted up and hopeful and it helps me to think before I act (WWJD).
Love you much...