Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just Trust Me

A child exits the bus in tears. She is greeted by her mother, but all she gets is her tears. As they enter the house, the mother lightly places her hands upon her daughters shoulders while her head hangs low. She says to her in a mild tone, "tell me what happened". The child looks up at her mother in disbelief and says "no one likes me, they say I'm ugly, call me names and pulls my hair. No one likes me, I don't even like me. Mom, why did you make me like this?" Her mother embraces her as she melts down to the floor and prays before the Lord.

This scenario jogs my memory to David encouraging the Juduthuns to wait on the Lord. He says, "Trust in him at all times you people, pour out your heart before him, God is a refuge for us," (Psalm 62:8).

This text make three vital points. First it tells us to trust God in every situation, trust him in doubt, rejection, when we are at our highest point or lowest point. David encourages us to trust the Lord. To trust God in all things means trusting him when our confidence is low, when we are in need or want, if we are in danger and if it seems as if no one cares. When all seems to be going down hill, we can take comfort by trusting the Lord.

The next point this scripture makes is it advises us to tell every expression that we feel to God. He wants us to tell him what makes us tick, when we are tired of being treated unfairly, if we can't take another month of not knowing if we'll have something to eat, somewhere to live or a place to work. God is saying pour all your concerns out and tell Him all of it. He doesn't want us to go run and tell Mary or Sue, don't call on Joe but call on Him first and take comfort.

The final point this text is making is "God is our refuge". That means He is our shelter. He provides what we need, protecting us from all that is outside. God is making special provision for us, but He is asking us to trust him.

What do you have to trust God for today? The young child mentioned previously, had to trust that her mother would listen as she told her what was bothering her so deeply. She had to trust that she could pour out her heart and know that everything would be alright. Are you facing something in your life which is causing you to have to trust God? God wants to know we feel so comfortable with Him that we will come to Him when there is uproar or a sensation.

Maybe you know someone that lost their job and God is saying, trust me. Perhaps you've lost a loved one and God is saying, trust me. Possibly you were accused of something and told you have to report to court and God is saying, trust me. Could it be you received an eviction notice and God is saying, trust me. Do you have to make a big decision in your marriage or business and God is saying, trust me.

Many people are being called to trust God in a way like never before, He is encouraging us to stop looking at that situation as if it is a situation to set us back. Consider what you are being asked to trust God for as a set up to get you closer to your blessing. Ask God to help you trust him in the good and the bad times. Pray to God to order your steps and help you stay steady on his path. Call upon the Lord to let you see beyond the distractions and let the Lord be accountable for what has taken place as you trust him.


Latangela said...

Jamila, you are right on target when you said, "Consider what you are being asked to trust God for as a set up to get you closer to your blessing". I've had to trust God for a decision that only He could have bestowed upon me, for on my own I would have cringed and not even considered the thought to make this major decision.

As a child my mother was very abusive to me. The memories of this abuse devastated me all of my life. As I got older I could not stand to be in her presence or in the presence of her nagging negativity. But now she has challenging health issues and God placed compassion in my heart for her. She now lives with me and the nagging negativity continues. Since I know God is in control of this decision I've come to realize that He wants to bring me closer to His blessing for me which is HEALING my deep, deep wounds and to forgive my mother and bond with her spiritually. Even though every day is indeed a challenge, I have to listen to God's voice for instructions because I trust Him to know what is best for me. Jamila, you brought to my attention that to serve others is to serve God. I most certainly have had to keep my focus on knowing that in the mist of this challenge, I am serving God, and I thank you for bringing this to my attention.

This morning I received this email that said, take your time as you discover what you want because you will have to live with your decision. This was a WOW factor for me because God had already placed in my spirit the decision to let my mother live with me, and I have yet to regret it. Everyday I see God's hand upon us. We talk, we laugh, we sing and praise God, we travel locally, we dine out occasionally, I administer her meds, I serve her breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I wash her clothes and prepare her bath water.
But most of all she has become my big baby and my friend whom I have forgiven. So yes, as we learn to trust God, He will surely bring us closer to the blessing or blessings He has for us.

Blessings Always,

Jamila said...

Many blessings. It warms my heart as I was reading your response. God is so focused on building us to walk in faith. He knew we would have times that we would question what is going on, He knew we would want to have a fit like a baby that is why He has given us the invitation to pour out our hearts to Him. God is our refuge, He dos not have to train to get ready to protect us He is already ready. I pray for your continued healing as God walks with you on this Spiritual journey. May God continue to bless you and your mother, for God is working in relationships all around the world.