Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Just Like My Daddy

After my parents divorced, I was told, “You are just like your daddy.” I would get a stare as if I was the scum of the earth and feel far from warm within my own family. As a teenager I would make remarks, look a certain way or even stand a certain way only to hear, “You are just like your daddy.” The interesting thing is I could not stand to hear that as a child. As I have developed into a woman hearing I am like my Daddy is not such a bad thing.

In Matthew it states, “Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect,” 5:48.

Naturally, many strive for perfection;however, it is in God we are made perfect. The previous verses 43-47 are advising us to love our enemies and bless those that curse us. Human relationship is connected to perfection. How we treat others unveils our perfection as our heavenly Father.

Have you ever wondered, if your life would be better if he or she was not in it? Maybe you have thought, "My life would be perfect if..." Did you ever wish you had a different boss, child, parent or maybe spouse? What if God thought such way of us? I am so happy God did not opt to not have you and me in His life for He would not continuously work on us. Yet it is through our relationship with the people He allows in our life that we are able to get through and be perfected in Christ. As we grow in our relationship with the Father we begin to look more and more just like our heavenly daddy.

Consider you as a walking light of God displaying peace and love to others. Pray to God to show Christ to others through you. Allow the Lord to let others come to know Christ by the love you display and not hate. For God perfects us through relationships, so we can be perfect just like our Father.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.
God Bless you and the family

Minister Jonathan Simmons
Consider The Word Ministries