Thursday, January 7, 2010

When Minds Change

A person came to me saying, “how did you get to be so happy being married and what did you do to change your husband?" My eye brows rose as I thought and stated, "Once I stopped trying to change my husband and concentrated the center of my attention on praying to be the wife God created me to be everything fell in its originated place."

Being married is a relationship that both people have to work at to get the best out of it. In a business, the manager and employees work to get the best results to get a pay check and occasionally pay raises. The employee that slacks at doing his/her job has a greater chance of losing their job in comparison to the person that works to the best of their ability.

When a person goes to work they go with a certain mind frame. When a person is married they too should have a certain mind frame that is to not give up. Our mind plays a big role on the outcome of the decisions we make in conjunction to our feelings. I know people at work today that do not feel like being there, but because they have made up their mind, they push them self to go. In marriage, I likewise know people that are married and say they do not want to be married. Some are working their best for better results and others are working them self out of the marriage.

It puzzles me that people weigh working at a place of employment at a higher esteem verses working at the relationship of marriage. Some think, “I am going to keep working at this place even though they don't pay me much, even though they chose to give the promotion to another and overlooked me, even though they are not very respectful, not considerate and not very dependable. But these same people will opt to get out of a marriage and they are having the same complaints, he is not brining much to the table, she doesn't respect me, my spouse is not considerate at all or dependable and I am getting a divorce. It is like a brainteaser to see people staying in the relationship of being employed with such bad treatment but hesitate not to relinquish their marriage.

The Bible states for us to "not be conformed of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That you might prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God," Romans 12:2.

This passage tells us that when we resist the ways of the world and renew our mind we will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. We will be able to stand as a testimony to others that we are a victor not a victim by renewing our mind of the Word.

Every relationship requires work on both parts rather it is your place of employment, church, friendship, family or marriage. When you have made up in your mind I am going to work even though I don't feel like it, your mind is renewed. When you have made up in your mind to not be focused on being treated unfair but God restoring your pain of hurt you are being renewed. When you have decided I am going to be considerate to my spouse even though he/she is not considerate to me, then you are being renewed.

How is your mind set today? Are you constantly set on things of the world? Do you consider your feelings and no one else? Are you selfish?

Consider allowing God's Word to replenish your thoughts and soul so you will see a new you, this New Year. Allow God in your mind, in your heart and soul and let Him direct your ways. For “some became fools through their rebellious ways and suffered affliction because of their iniquities," Psalm 107:17.


Adrien Hawk said...

This is so true! If we would seek God more often and give him our issues things would be a lot better. This goes back to the being slow to speak and quick to listen. Our reaction and tongue can kill a relationship/marriage. Going to God is the best thing to do in everything we do and when we are prayed up we are better equipped. Adrien

Jamila said...

I agree we will be better equipped being filled with the Word of God. It's funny because even at a place of employment the boss can be ready to fire someone but let them come back on Monday filled with the Word, it is likely that person will not even be fired. In a relationship if my heart and mind is set on the Word continually, my reactions will continually be as Christ.
Thank you for sharing.