Friday, September 3, 2010

No Doesn't Mean Stop, Does It

The other day my four year old got in trouble. He decided that everything in the house was a ball and it was his goal to throw it on the wall. I have spoken to him as well as his brothers about throwing in the house but somehow that is an ongoing chant in my house with three boys. After my son was disciplined from throwing, he went on as if nothing ever happened. It was then that I realized his actions were ministering to me.

I quickly thought of the book of James, "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry," James 1:19.

This text is so simple to me. It is very direct and straight to the point. It tells us to respond by paying attention and listening. It tells us to not be fast to get our two cents in, don't be so quick to say all that is on our chest because we want the first and final word. Finally, don't lose control and become angry.

How is it that a child can be disciplined and go on with life as if it is a box of chocolates. Nevertheless, when some adults are told no or when adults are dealing with the consequences of their actions he/she reverts back to being a toddler. The adult has a two year old tantrum. The interesting thing is this tantrum can last for years. Life becomes postpone in their mind because of being told no or because we don't like to deal with the consequences.

Every ‘no’ is not meant for you to stop. Let me repeat that, every no is not meant for you to stop. Sometimes no means not right now, try again, give me your best. Sometimes no is there to simply test your character and see if you will focus on what God has to say about the situation and not just what you have to say.

I encourage you to take time to listen to what the Lord is saying. Look to God about the bumps and curves you might be traveling today and know that even in the midst of all the chaos God is still speaking to you as His powerful, priceless and precious child of God. Remember God does not put you through anything that you cannot handle. Be sure to check out our video for our upcoming event. We welcome you to come and be blessed with a friend. If you cannot make it send a donation as HBHeart continues to reach out to the homeless and any amount will help this endeavor to be a success. You may pledge a donation on our site!


Jamila said...

I love so many stories about David. When God told David No about building the temple He meant what He said. The thing I love is David did not have a tantrum or decide life is over now, I can't do what I am so excited to do. Everything is not for everyone to do. It is important for us to listen to God, there is a reason He says no. A parent in their right mind would not give a 5 year old the keys to the car and say drive me to the store. However, when the appointed time is right the child can get the keys. We are not created to be happy but to be holy. We are created to glorify God. When He says no take heed and focus on His will, for it shall be done!

reflexão said...

Da família podemos tirar grandes experiências. Ela pode proporcionar as maiores alegrias ou as maiores tristezas! Na pode substituir a família. O interessante é que sempre estamos aprendendo. Um filho em suas mais simples atividades pode ensinar seu pai. E o filho é dependente de tudo em relação a seus pais. Uma família que educa corretamente seus filhos proporciona uma sociedade mais justa. Parabens para você!

Caribbean Culinary Tours and Vacations said...

Great blog keep it comimg