Monday, May 18, 2009

God's Word

Over a year ago I felt being a mother, a wife and myself had an absolute no value. I was “Mrs. Busy Mom on the Go,” by day and “I Can’t Stand my life,” by night. I felt I was drowning with day to day tasks of ongoing hours of tending to others and never replenishing my soul to go on for another day. I would drag myself to do for everyone else and not dare to make time to call out to God to help me through the eye of the storm.

During this crisis in my life I felt moved to help encourage others yet all I could see is, "I needed to be set free."

As I consider my situation my thoughts are reminded of the Lord declaring, “My thoughts are not as His thoughts, nor my ways as His ways” Isaiah 55:8.

Today I am at peace with being me; I have a loving supportive husband that I am elated about being his wife and four children that I love dearly with being their mother.

I seek God as David saying “Make you ways known to me Lord; teach me your paths” (Psalm 25:4). I know that His Words bring light and give understanding to one with little experience (Psalm 119:130). I seek Him to show me what He is doing and why. I stand before the Father in search of His ways and my mind is captured by the Lord’s declaration “His Word that comes from His mouth, will not return to Him empty but it will accomplish what He pleases, and will prosper in what He sent it to do” (Isaiah 55:12).

God’s Word is a revelation sent to germinate. Often times God sends forth a Word for us to trust Him and because we lose sight of our focus we sit on His Word. We treat His Word like a new suit that hangs in your closet, unworn, because you don’t know where to wear it. It hangs in the closet unworn and unused, waiting on you, maybe because you think you don’t have matching shoes or the accessories to complete the suit. The Word of the Lord has all the components you need to do what the Father has asked of you. Yet it waits on you.

How are you responding to your life at this moment? Has God sent forth a Word and you are sitting on it?

Perhaps the Lord has sent a revelation and instead of fearing the Father you respond in fear to the transition. Maybe you don’t realize your response measures your spiritual development.

Consider asking the Father to show you His ways. Pray that you discern what the Lord is up to. Call upon the Father to direct you as you yield yourself to His will. For “you will indeed go out with joy and be peacefully guided” Isaiah 55:12.

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