Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Your Walk

Recently, we had a marriage conference and one of my concerns was I wanted the center piece to reflect the colors of the event. This was a concern for me because colors have meaning to me.

Our colors were green, white and black. Green was symbolic of growth, while white was symbolic of new life and black represented the old stuff. It was imperative for more white to be visual as well as accents of green to display life God gives us daily and growth. Somehow the old stuff manages to stick around and sometimes chocking the new life we are granted daily.

Many people have center pieces in their life. For some their center piece might be family, a job, house, car, clothes,children or spouse but our true center piece should be the Creator. However, emphasis of material or other people seem to tug at people breaking their focus of the true source of life.

The Lord says, “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, Who walks in His ways” Psalm 128:1.

If your main focus is the Lord it is easy for you to respect the Father and emulate His ways. If you are more concern with a job, finances, car or other material things then it is difficult to see clearly as a result you don’t feel very happy.

Today many are hurting because of the economic hardship but God is still in the business of giving peace in the midst of turbulence. What is the center piece in your life? Are you walking so others may find favor in you? Do you look to the Lord for blessings or material things?

Don’t allow your circumstance to consume you and become your center piece. Ask God to help you narrow your focus on Him. Pray to God for discernment so you may walk in His ways and be blessed.

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