Tuesday, December 16, 2008


When I was a young child my sister and I played in my grandmother’s back yard. We ran through the bushes and she came through with hives. As I looked at her I started to wonder if she had them, I must have them. Her upper body was covered in hives and I stared scared because I did not know if I had what she had.

The very thought of having such hives frightened me. Ever since I was a child I have had the tendency to allow my imagination to run in fear of what might be. If I cross someone that has any type of skin rash, I too begin to act as if I have a rash. The issue is it is a fear all in my head.

I recall the story of Job and consider his one issue, fear.
“For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me” (Job 3:25).

Fear is a spirit designed to stop you. Fear can cause the worse of your imagination to be engaged. You can destroy yourself just by having fear. What do you fear?

Maybe your parents had financial problems when you were growing up and now you have fears about money or security. Perhaps you fear your fears. God’s mission is to strengthen us. When we are encountering trouble and can not discern the real problem, it could be that we are in the problem because we have, yet to identify the source.

Don’t allow your fear to control you attracting more trouble. Ask God to help you not focus on your fears. Pray to God that you look your fear in the eye and move it. Call upon the Lord to narrow the source of your fear; so you may take heed to the warning of danger. Have a little talk with Jesus today about your fear.


Anonymous said...

Thank you yet again for your gift that you share with us everyday Jamila :>)

I faced a fear this past Sunday. I pray to God to draw me nearer to him and his word. Work his way through me. So he answered my prayers. Sunday one of my ministers asked me to read the word. The first thing came to my mind was WHAT. I was not prepared at all and I have a fear of speaking in front of people. I felt like I could just run out. I closed my eyes and concentrated on what he wanted from me and I was o.k. (somewhat) :>) I did it and it was like it was not me up there. SO it felt good to face that fear and just do it. I'm still a work in progress because I was going to call and see who was reading next sunday in case I got suddenly sick. (wink) LOL

Anonymous said...

Before I met my husband I had never pray out loud. I was always fearful the words would not flow, or I would not know what to say. We visit my husband's sister(my first visit) in Maryland and on the last day we were all asked to come into the prayer room; there were many family members, including his mother from Nigeria, we all kneel down, then I hear the Man of the house, and which happens to be a minister saying my name, asking me to lead them in a prayer. I was so scared, I did not know what to do. I quickly said a prayer to God asking for guideness. "Help me Lord" God took over. I was so happy his family never knew that I struggle with prayer, and I was thankful that God showed up, right on time.

Jamila said...

All praises to God. Last night I saw a lady scratch by the thought of a scorpion. I thought of myself as a child. Then I dreamt of a scorpion, hanging from the ceiling. The enemy is always going to try to use what we are weak in to jab us. But God will always take the enemy out for us, once we let Him in. All praises to the Lord Most High.

Jamila said...
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Jamila said...

Dear Anonymous,
I appreciate the comment about speaking. It says we must first preach to ourself, so I want you to know your fear about speaking out in public is one I have been facing to take a grip of. We are all fearful of something but are we bold enough, courageous enough to say Here I am Lord use me. I don't have an issue writing my words but because I am so out of practice with speaking in public I am working on that. So you continue to push yourself and be encouraged, for you have encouraged me. I thank the Lord for your message it was right on time. I thank you for letting me in and sharing. May God continue to bless and use you.